Charlotte Hufflepuff

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Charlotte Hufflepuff was a prominent citizen of the early nation of The United States of Quentin, and was married to founder of the country Knile Hufflepuff. Born in 1801, in Tabula Rasa, Republic of Megatridimensional Order. By then, the city was the capital of the new nation, and Charlotte grew up loving the MTO, its culture, and had a prominent role in society from her teenage years. In 1819, Charlotte met Knile Hufflepuff, who was negotiating in the city on behalf of The Territories of Quentin.

A portrait of Charlotte around 1821

Being a patriotic Order citizen, Charlotte ridiculed the rebellious Quentinian, however after spending time with him and talking, she soon fell in love, and despite their political differences, were married in 1821. Soon their political differences needed to be discussed, as Knile was informed of the upcoming release of the Quentinian Declaration of Independence, and told Charlotte. The two discussed it, and apparently Charlotte's love for Knile outweighed that of her country, and she moved permanently to Mechanicsburg with Knile.

During the Quentinian War for Independence, Charlotte stayed loyal to her new country, and is actually said to have practiced espionage for the USQ, and passed on any information she might've gotten from Order leaders and citizens. After the war was over, Charlotte moved to Lindin, where she was a respected member of society and raised two children, Hannah Hufflepuff and Steve Hufflepuff. Charlotte was the victim of a carriage crash in 1861, and although she recovered, was never truly well, and in 1865 came down with the flu, which would eventually kill her on April 26th of that year, at the age of 64.