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Micronation is a general word used in Venturia by geographers and others to describe small, self governing areas of land that for whatever reason do not fit the description of a major nation or country. There are many reasons why geographers may choose to classify a region as a micronation, and this long list includes things such as a small land area, an extremely small economy or lack thereof, a lack of membership to The Venturian Union, and an extremely small population, as well as one of the most important factors, the lack of a stable national government that has established regulations, i.e. laws, has a system for conducting the business of the nation, and is recognized by the governments of other nations.

Currently there are a total of 12 areas of land designated as micronations, all of them islands except one, called Rullabellon, located on the Zwakazi continent. Rullabellon's small population claims a small section of land belongs to this micronation, and have set up a government, however The Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic claims the land as their own, and only Carkhia has recognized Rullabellon as a separate nation.

List of Current Micronations

Currently there are a total of 12 areas designated as micronations, with the full list of them below, along with their location, names, and other information.

The Coastal Islands of Atillaraon: Located in the Brightwater Gulf, on the Asper continent. It has barely any government, and much of the population is made up of citizens from The United States of Quentin or the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, however there are a few hundred natives still living there.

Monster Island: Located in the Brightwater Gulf, on the Asper continent, this island is perhaps one of the more unified of any of the island micronations, and although it is ever changing and unpredictable. There are close to 150 residents, who are very aggressive and hostile to outsiders.

The Archipelago of Redniess: This chain of islands, located in the Brightwater Gulf on the Asper continent, is extremely close to the MTO, and although it is lacking of any Order citizens, the island is extremely dependent on their military and economic assistance. In fact, their government includes nearly 75% Order citizen officials. Only the MTO currently recognizes this as its own country.

The Federated Half of Quoaria: This micronation occupies territory in the Brightwater Gulf, on the Asper continent, that is on the northern half of Midtri Island. This micronation is very associated with the USQ, in terms of economics and military, as well as being the only micronation in the world that the USQ officially recognizes as a nation. The government of Quoaria is democratic but small and ever changing, and a total of 6 other countries recognizes this land as a nation, along with two micronations.

Midtrinnis: This island in the Brightwater Gulf occupies the other half of Midtri Island, and is associated mainly with the MTO in many economic issues, however not as much a military association with the MTO. The island is recognized by a total of four countries, and two micronations.
