Treaty of Bedlam

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Treaty of Bedlam
Flag of Treaty of Bedlam Flag of Treaty of Bedlam
Official Name Treaty of Peace Between the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization and Paladinia, with Her Allies Assembled
War Ended Asperian Roofball Conflict
Date Signed December 6th, 2019
Location Signed Tandem, Republic of Megatridimensional Order
Date Put into Effect May 22nd, 2020
Conditions High Tax on Paladinia
Territorial Changes
Trade Restrictions
Signatories Asperian Trade and Defense Organization

Republic of Megatridimensional Order

Depository Venturian Union Diplomatic Archives
Full Treaty:[1] under archives section

The Treaty of Bedlam, officially the Treaty of Peace Between the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization and Paladinia, with Her Allies Assembled, was a treaty of peace signed between the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization and Paladinia along with its allies, which brought an end to the Asperian Roofball Conflict after nearly 5 months of conflict. Though ceasefires were collectively called for on November 15th, 2019, it took a month of negotiations to finalize and sign the treaty, on December 6th. Even then numerous countries involved in the war had not signed, and it took until December 16th for all nations involved to sign the treaty.

The Congress of the United States of Quentin ratified the treaty on January 1st, in a session where the House of Bureaucrats also passed a resolution adopting President Lovestington's Primetime Address as an official Quentinian executive statement. Other nations ratified the treaty at later dates, and other countries like the MTO, Mortification, and Paladinia did not have to ratify the treaty, meaning it entered immediately into their national law. The terms of the treaty were

The signing of the treaty took place a