The Belief Clash

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The Belief Clash, also known as the War of West and East or the Holy War, was a war between forces representing Hatvism, called the East Forces though they were mainly in the west, forces representing Christianity called the West Forces, though they were in the east, and forces representing Skethianity, called the Far West Forces. The war lasted 45 years, going on and off again from 1390. In the end, historians generally recognize that the forces from the West, representing Christianity, were victorious, conquering many lands in the west. The war was fought because of tension between the three religions, and the clashing of their beliefs. While all three religions still exist today, Christianity gained a major following and influence in Venturia. The countries from the West were, at the time, Bymaria, The United Lands of Southia, The Sovereignty of Drumes, and The Trigadian Empire. The countries fighting for the East and Christianity were, at the time, The Protectorates of Allia, Docneighland, and The Empire of the New Dawn. Finally, the countries fighting for the far West were, at the time, New Sketherlands and Xevenia.

Major Events

Some major events in the war included battles, listed below:

The Battle for the Border

This was the earliest major battle of the war, fought between the East and the West. The battle was an all-out fight, and at the end of 2 weeks, a border was set for the two sides, with casualties the highest in the war. The West delivered a defeat to the East, and pushed their lines back hundreds of miles. After this battle, the East backed off a lot, while the next portion of the war was dedicated to the East fighting Skethish forces. The battle took place in the year 1394.

The Battle of the Southian Sea

This battle was a large naval battle between forces from the far West and East forces. The naval battle was a huge win for the Far West forces, one of their only ones of the long war. Taking place in 1412, it started when the Skethish forces started sending secret missionaries to the United Lands of Southia and Drumes, and the two countries sent a naval fleet to go and raid the coastal cities of the two Skethish countries. When the far West countries heard about this, they sent a fleet of their own, and the two met in the middle of what is now the Nyoka Ocean. The battle was fierce, but at the end the Far West won their only major victory of the war. This victory could've been the reason for them not playing such an aggressive role in the war, as the far West ships were able to plunder a number of Western ships, gaining many riches from the battle.

The Bifaith Summit

The Bifaith Summit was not a battle, but a major summit event during 1420 that dramatically changed the war. It was a meeting between Head Disci Joseph Tylens of the Christian church, and Sevinaut Xavier Stevenson V. The Summit was held in the West Force's Christian city of Procantinac. The two committees from the two faiths met, and discussed the similarities of them, and how the influence and cruelty of Eastern religion, Hatvism, was an assault on their values. They made an agreement, and the two forces agreed to make an alliance against the East. This turned the tide of the war, and after this summit, the East was outnumbered.

The Battle of Gjakzxs Hill

This battle was the last major one of the war. This was where the Western forces of Christianity were able to break through Eastern lines and capture a number of cities in a matter of a couple months in 1432. This battle effectively ended the war, and made sure that Christianity would be the dominant religion in Venturia for centuries to come, and even today.