The Grassland Area

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Grassland Area
Flag of Grassland Area Coat of Arms of Grassland Area
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Lead the Nation Forward"
Anthem: O Lead Thy Nation Forward
Location of Grassland Area
Area 2,013,774km2
Highest point Mount Elias, 2.2 Miles
Longest river Logan River
Population 210 Million
• Growth 0.5%/year
Median age 42.6 years
Demonym Grasslanders
Before Statehood: Grassland Territory
Confirmed as 1st Quentinian State: January 1st, 1834
Capital Mechanicsburg
Official language Farmine
Type Mild Republican State
Legislature House of Representatives
Governor: Thomas Kenoye
Head Representative: Alexis Beljakexk
Secretary of General Welfare: Ethan Rills
Supreme Court Chief Justice: Yaghan Tyler
Districts: Grassland Area State Districts (18)
Currency DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
GDP Ð446 Billion ($4.46 Trillion)
• Per capita Ð2,123 ($21,238)
• Growth 2.1%/year

9% Agriculture
35% Industry
56% Services

Unemployment 5.1%
Life expectancy 80.2 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99%
Enrollment 95.6%
• Primary 99.9%
• Secondary 98.3%
• Tertiary 88.8%
Measures DuBuis System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
Internet TLD .nwd
Time Zones VST+3 (Asperian Gulf Standard Time)
Calling code +7

"Grassland State" redirects here. For other uses, see Grassland State (disambiguation)

The Grassland Area (abbreviated GA) is a state in the United States of Quentin located in the eastern-central region of the nation. The state is bordered by Tantallegara and the Brightwater Gulf to the south, the Desert Area to the west, the Republic of Megatridimensional Order to the east, Snowland to the northeast, and the Gulf of Creed to the north. The GA is home to the capital city of the nation, as well as the capital city of the state, Mechanicsburg, with the Supreme Council, 777 Cupboard Place, and Congress being located in the city. The main part of the Logan River, the largest in the country, is located in the GA, as well as a small portion of the Tennomore Mountains in the southeast part of the state.

The state's current population sits at 210 million, making it the second-most populated state in the country, behind only the Chip Area. It is also the second-largest state in the nation by area, containing nearly 2,013,774 square kilometers of area, and the fifth-smallest population density. This population is concentrated into many major cities, the largest of those being Mechanicsburg (11,722,897), Fort McCarthy (3,988,416), and Port Clinton (1,363,910), as well as 18 state districts, of which the most highly populated is the Capital Riverway District (78 million).

The Grassland Area was the second territory to join the Territories of Quentin, the precursor state to the USQ, joining in 1801 as the Grassland Territory. The Territories as a whole were founded in 1799 with the Snowland Territory as the first to join, and were under the authority of the Megatridimensional Order. The territory's city of Mechanicsburg was the capital of the Territories, and soon the territory played a large role in the Quentinian War for Independence against the Order, as it was the center of politics and the Territorial Assembly. After the war, the nation became independent, and the GA ratified the new Constitution, becoming the first state to do so and officially join the nation. After the GA was confirmed in 1834, work began on Constitution of the Grassland Area, which outlines the state's government as well as laws and regulations that differ from those of the federal government.

Today, the Grassland Area is still the center of politics in the nation, and its large population and area make it one of the most prominent and important states in the nation. Its government is composed of the Grassland House of Representatives, its Governor, and the judicial branch, including the Grassland Area Supreme Court.


The Grassland Area was first settled in 1802, by a group of settlers who had come from the Territory of Snowland to the northeast.

Geography and Climate

The Grassland Area is located in the eastern-central region of the USQ, bordering Snowland and the Megatridimensional Order to the east, the Gulf of Creed to the north, Desert Area to the west, and Tantallegara and the Brightwater Gulf to the south. Its geography is that of hills and valleys, with some flat areas to the west and south. Despite this overall hilly geography, the elevation of the state is not extreme in any sense. The highest point in the state is Mount Elias to the east, part of the Tennomore Mountain Range which lines the border with the MTO. Rivers are also prevalent in the state, with the Logan River covering almost the entire state east to west, and also spreading south at the DA border and north and south at the Snowland border. Besides the Logan River, smaller rivers and streams can be found across the state. Forests are not as prevalent in the state as in other places in the country, but to the east many forests can be found, especially closer to the Snowland and MTO border.

The climate of the state varies drastically, as the upper parts of the state are much colder than the lower parts. However, the winter is usually the same across the state, with medium amounts of snowfall and cold temperatures. To the south, these temperatures are much milder, around cities like Port Clinton, than in cities such as Minersville and Matthiasport. The west part of the state is much flatter than the rest, and due to its proximity to the tundra of the Desert Area, it has slightly colder temperatures. Because of this, Matthiasport is generally considered the coldest city in the state.

State Districts

See main articles: Grassland Area State Districts and Grassland Area State Townships

The Grassland Area, like all other states in the USQ, is divided into state districts, of which there are currently 18. These state districts serve to better organize the government and administration of the state, as the districts handle smaller services, and administer local justice, enforcing local laws.

The most populated of these state districts is by far the Capital Riverway District, which has a population of nearly 78 million. This area has the largest population and population density for a district in the country, and includes cities such as Mechanicsburg, Fort McCarthy, and Lightning City. Many have criticized the Riverway District of being over-powerful and having too much of a say in government because of its large size, as well as that it doesn't represent all opinions in the state. Supporters, however, have countered that the district encompasses many people with similar voting patterns and culture, which is the purpose of a state district as described by the state's Constitution. As a part of a political policy, mainly proposed by the Environmentalist Party, to split many states into more state districts than already exist, the Grassland Bill for the Separation of the Riverway was proposed in 2011. The bill ultimately failed, and movements to separate state districts today have lost much support. The district with the highest area in the state is currently the Super Carlin District, and local governments in the districts are governed by a district council, headed by a chief councilor and supported by an assembly. The Grassland Area is one of 6 states to use this format.

In addition to state districts, the Grassland Area also has 324 smaller state townships, which serve as areas to choose assemblypeople for state districts, and provide smaller services such as waste disposal and logistics. There are 18 townships in each state district.


There are many major cities in the Grassland Area, the largest of which is Mechanicsburg, which is also the capital of the state with a population exceeding 11 million. Below is a list of the largest cities in the state, by population. Unlike in some other countries, the cities themselves do not play a part in the overall local government of the state. They do have their own city governments, however these are only to organize citywide services such as transport and special spending, and only operate in the largest of cities. Below is a list of the twenty largest cities in the state, sorted by population.


The current population of the Grassland Area is around 210 million. The Grassland Area is not as diverse as other states in the nation, however is more diverse than some others.


The main four ethnicities of the Grassland Area include the four main ethnicities prevalent in the United States of Quentin itself, including Gadoupes, Aspkausians, Jumanges, and Zwakanavs. The Grassland Area is largely made up of Aspkausians, although there are large concentrations of Zwakanavs in the northwest, and Jumanges in the south. The current percentages for the population and its ethnicities include 71% Aspkausians, 19% Jumanges, 7% Zwakanavs, 2% Gadoupes, and the remaining portion being of other or unspecified ethnicity. The Grassland Area has a smaller number of immigrants than other states, and a large percentage of the state's citizens identify as being of original Megatridimensional descent, tracing ancestry back to the days of the Territories of Quentin. In the north, there is a larger concentration of
Ethnicity in the GA.png
immigrant descendants than other places, as the cities of Minersville and Matthiasport especially contain large numbers of these immigrant descendants, many of them also Zwakanavs. Most of the ancestors of these citizens came from the Zwakazi continent, via the Gulf of Creed, and either arrived directly in the GA, or arrived in Baltimore and other cities, then making their way to the GA later on.

As in many places in the USQ, interracial marriages are quite common, and about 8.9% describe themselves as biracial, having parents of different ethnicities. Recently, increasing numbers of visitors and immigrants from the federal territories of the USQ have arrived in the GA, especially from the Kade Islands and J.P. Island. This has led to many citizens of the GA being in favor of territories such as the Kade Islands and Berlinsavis becoming states, as the state has a high population of former citizens and descendants.


Language in the Grassland Area largely resembles that of the country as a whole, as English and Farmine are by far the two largest languages spoken, although Farmine has a much larger percentage of speakers in the GA. Currently, Farmine and English are spoken by 43% of the population, only Farmine is spoken by nearly 37%, only English by 19%, and other languages making up the last 1%, among them primarily New Zwakazian. The official languages of the state are English and Farmine, with English being instituted as an official language in 1854, and Farmine being instituted as an official language in 1897. The state has no other official languages, and requires that all official documents be provided in both English and Farmine. The northern Grassland Area is known for its Minersville accent of English and Farmine, and the southern area of the state is known for its Tanty accent of both languages, although neither are closely associated with the state as a whole.


Religion in the GA also reflects the state of the country as a whole, as nearly 66% of all Grasslanders are Christian. Of these, the vast majority belong to the Quentinian Christian denomination, nearly 71%, and the other 29% belongs to the Allian Christian church. Besides Christianity, the state's minority religions include Rationalism at 12%, Skethianity at 9%, Trinitism at 5%, Reformed Hatvism at 2%, and the rest being of other faith or nonreligious. Of Christian denominations within Quentinian Christianity, the United Messiah Church encompasses the majority of Quentinian Christians, while the Weber National Church follows close behind. The Logan River Holy Baptist Church is the third most popular denomination, and has the majority of its followers in the GA. These denominations differ in many of their beliefs, and have organizations which group churches into these denominations. Because of the GA's status as the center of politics, many of these churches have their headquarters or one of their headquarters in the state, including the UMC, LRHBC, the New Age Prophecies Church, and Old Church of God's Dominion.



The culture of the Grassland Area is similar to that of the other states of the USQ, however has many of its own beliefs, traditions, and ways of living. Overall, the Grassland Area has similar cuisine as the rest of the USQ, and its cuisine is based much more on grains than other states, as the GA is one of the leading farming states in the nation. The state's views are very much influenced by religion, especially Christianity, however less so than other states such as Snowland, though more than states like the Chip Area.


See main article: Grassland Area State Holidays

Besides the national federal holidays celebrated by all states in the USQ, the GA has a number of other unique and state-based celebrations of its own. The largest of these is River Day, a day on August 13th every 3 years where the citizens of the GA will flock to the Logan River, which spreads across the state, and enjoy the river. Numerous traditions include speeches by state politicians, and the annual Logan River Boat Race, which starts in Minersville and ends in Mechanicsburg. The tradition began around 1871, and in 1913 the day was made a state holiday by the state House of Representatives, with all employees in the GA being off on this day. The second holiday not federally recognized which the GA celebrates is the Quentinian Ethnicities Day, celebrating the many ethnicities and origins of the citizens of the country. The holiday is recognized in many states, including the GA, Desert Area, Chip Area, and Kahoot Area, however has not been federalized. In the GA, celebrations include marches and rallies, and parades for different ethnicities. In Mechanicsburg, there is the Mechanicsburg Ethnicities March, which began in 1894 to demand better treatment for Zwakanavs in the state. Today, the march celebrates the relative equality in the state, and begins in the downtown area of the city. The march then goes across the bridge, all the way to the national Capitol Building.

The Grassland Area is also famous for its grand fireworks displays on many political holidays, including Inauguration Day, Defense Day, and Election Day. These displays are more grand than other places on these dates, however less grand on other holidays, mainly because the GA is the center of politics in the nation.


The GA, like all other states in the USQ, have at least one professional sports team. The most popular league in the nation, the Quentinian Roofball Organization, has four teams in the state, the second-most teams in a state. The Mechanicsburg Businessmen have won the QRO Champions Cup four times, most recently in 2004, and thousands of spectators flock to the capital to see games at Shah Stadium, mostly from the central, southwestern, and eastern parts of the state. The second team located in the state is the Minersville Miners, by far the most successful team in the state, having won the Champions Cup eight times, the most in the league. The Miners play at 467 Gulge Arena, one of the oldest venues in the league, having been built in 1939. The most loyal fans of the team are located in the northern part of the state. Thirdly, the Port Clinton Stallions play in the state, at Patty Memorial Stadium, having won the Cup three times in the past. The team is less popular today, however fans come from the southern parts of the state. Finally, the Fort McCarthy Liberators play in the state, having fans from the central part of the state. Their stadium is Arsenal Field, and the team has won the Cup three times. In addition to these teams playing home games in the state, the GA has also hosted the Champions Cup 12 times, one of the largest totals for a single state, with 6 in Mechanicsburg, two in Minersville, two in Port Clinton, and two in Fort McCarthy.

Vehementiaball is very popular in the state as well, and the United Vehementiaball League has five teams in the state. These are the Mechanicsburg Fighting Geckos, the Fort McCarthy Elite, the Lightning City Bolts, the Port Clinton Lancers, and the Minersville Dynamite. The Fighting Geckos and Elite play at the same stadiums as their QRO counterparts, however the Lancers play at Milky Brown Stadium, the Dynamite at New Blast Stadium, and the Bolts at Trogen Stadium. These teams are almost as popular as QRO teams in the state, and Vehementiaball is almost as popular in Roofball overall in the state. Of all Vehementiaball and Roofball stadiums in the state, Milky Brown Stadium is the largest, having a capacity of over 93,000 fans.

The Oceanic Body Sports Association is also quite popular in the state, although because of the lack of a large coastline in the state, it is less popular than elsewhere in the nation. The southern part of the state in particular has the most Obs players and organization in the state. The QUOBSC Grassy Division and the QUOBSC Professional Division are the two divisions the OBS has organized for the state, and each has a different regular season each year, with the Pro division being in the south of the state. Notable GA players of Obs include the current six elites of the two divisions, Kendall Voiture, Dawn Necron, Justin Orauglice, Robert DePuisse, Owen McMinerse, and Mac Newman.

The Sidus Dei Ludos have been held in the GA seven times, all seven of those times being in Mechanicsburg. The GA also sends numerous athletes to compete each year in the games, and consistently the state has the highest viewership of the games in the nation. College sports are also played highly in the state, with renowned universities such as Mechanicsburg University, Grassland State University, Grassland Area University, Fort McCarthy Military Academy and others competing in a wide variety of collegiate athletics under the Quentinian University Association of Collegiate Athletes.

Architecture and Monuments

See main articles: List of Grassland Area State Monuments, List of Grassland Area State Parks

Architecture and monuments are very prevalent in the GA, due to its long history so associated with politics. The state is home to many national monuments, as the capital Mechanicsburg is located in the GA, but there are also many other sites of special importance to the state. These are state monuments, as well as state parks, and were established to protect them as sites of historical, natural, memorial, or other importance to the state.

The architecture of the state as a whole reflects most of the rest of the country, with its cities being built with numerous tall buildings and the suburban areas being home to many homes built of concrete. The rural areas of the country feature older homes, mostly made of wood. One special feature of Grassland architecture are the underground homes of Matthiasport and Northarbore, which are mostly underground, and built into the side of a hill. This architecture style can be seen in the home of former GTNEC Max Wagner, called the Déglisé. Although the house is in Boston, the style of architecture reflects that of small areas in the GA, and these homes built into hills are still popular with the rich in the state.

Government and Politics

See also: Grassland Area State Government and Grassland Area State Districts

Governor Thomas Kenoye
The government of the Grassland Area is much like the government of other states, with some similarities and differences. The government has an executive, legislative, and judicial branch, as is dictated by the federal Constitution, and is laid out by the Constitution of the Grassland Area, which was ratified with the founding of the state. The state is led in the executive by its Governor, who is elected by the people of the state on a majority, every four years. The current Governor, pictured to the side, is Thomas Kenoye, who was inaugurated in 2020. Kenoye has served since 2008, currently on his fourth term as Governor. The GA state Constitution does not give term limits for governors, unlike other states. The executive branch is charged with enforcing state and federal law in the state, as well as approving laws passed by the legislature and making appointments to government. In addition to the Governor, the executive branch consists of the Council of Grassland Governance, which is similar to the Cupboard used by the nation's federal government. In this council, there are many secretaries and executive departments charged with enforcing law in the state. These departments are similar to the nation's federal executive departments, however cover different and more state specific issues. The most important member of this council is the Secretary of General Welfare, who acts like a Vice-Governor and has powers to oversee all departments, and report on their actions to the Governor, although they must take orders from the Governor.

The second branch of the government is the legislative branch, which is composed of the Grassland House of Representatives. This House is unicameral, and includes 259 representatives from across the state. Some representation is distributed according to population, although all 40 representative districts are granted at least 6 representatives. After equal representatives, there are 19 representatives left, with 9 given to the Eighth District, 5 given to the Ninth District, and 5 given to the Eleventh District. In the House, there is a Head Representative, chosen by a majority vote of all representatives. This Head can lead proceedings, and also has the right to be on any committee of the House they wish to be on, although they can not head the committee unless voted as head. The House makes bills, which are legislation changing the law in the state, and these bills can be approved and passed into state law by the Governor. The legislature is restricted from making laws which override or contradict the federal government.

Finally, the Grassland Area state judiciary is the justice branch of the state's government. Judicial branches, like the legislative branch, varies from state to state. The Grassland Area Supreme Court is the highest court in the state, which takes appeals from other courts as it wishes and has the power to approve or reject laws based on their constitutionality. The court can be overruled by the federal court or by the United States of Quentin Department of State, however is supreme over other state courts. These include the Grassland Area Appeals Courts and Grassland Area State District Courts.