Venturian Union General Assembly

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The Venturian Union General Assembly (abbreviated VUGA) is one of four main governing bodies of the Venturian Union, a world intergovernmental peacekeeping organization. The General Assembly is an assembly of all member nations, who have equal representation and deliberate on policies and actions of the organization. Its powers include making recommendations on policies and actions to the other three principal bodies, deciding on the budget of the organization, deciding on the situations and roles of its members, including head nations and new members, pass resolutions and proclamations, which are different from legislation and policies, and appoint leaders of the body.

The General Assembly has, since 1991, met four times per year, in January, in June, in August, and in December, with these sessions lasting for as long as all issues are resolved. Special and emergency sessions of the General Assembly can also by called by any of the other three main bodies, or a majority of all nations. The body meets in Altempel, Sacred Watch, at the Venturian Union Headquarters Assembly Hall. The composition, function, and purpose of the General Assembly is set out in the Venturian Union Charter, in Article II. Voting is done on a majority basis for nearly all matters, with some being done on a 3/4 basis of those nations present. Each nation has one vote on every matter, and the checks and balances of the VU system ensure that the General Assembly can make changes to the Charter only by a near unanimous vote.