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=== Bystanders ===
=== Bystanders ===
Bystander characters are often those that tread the line between good and evil, or those who do not directly aid Maximumjedi but often play a role in his missions. A good example of the first definition would be [[Dit Kam]], a scavenger, hitman, and smuggler who often breaks the law, however also aids Maximumjedi, if only for his own self interest. Additionally, [[Masterworks]] is an intergalactic merchant who is known for his ability to find any product in the galaxy and put it up for sale. Masterworks does not directly aid Maximumjedi, however the two are on good terms, and like other intergalactic superheroes, Maximumjedi often meets with Masterworks for information or to buy equipment.  
Bystander characters are often those that tread the line between good and evil, or those who do not directly aid Maximumjedi but often play a role in his missions. A good example of the first definition would be [[Dit Kam]], a scavenger, hitman, and smuggler who often breaks the law, however also aids Maximumjedi, if only for his own self interest. Additionally, [[Masterworks (character)|Masterworks]] is an intergalactic merchant who is known for his ability to find any product in the galaxy and put it up for sale. Masterworks does not directly aid Maximumjedi, however the two are on good terms, and like other intergalactic superheroes, Maximumjedi often meets with Masterworks for information or to buy equipment.
== Abilities ==
== Abilities ==

Revision as of 17:47, 9 July 2021

Flag of Maximumjedi
Maximumjedi's logo as it appeared in his first issue, Mystic Mayhem #1. Art by Thomas Yanjekx. (1958)
Publisher QUACK! Comics
QUACK! Studios
First Appearance Mystic Mayhem #1
Created By Joseph Leeson
Thomas Yanjekx
Formats Cinema
Character Information
Alter-Ego Xam Rengaw
Master Alchemist
Species Human
Place of Origin Maximum City, MA
United States of Quentin
Team Affiliations ICEC
Knights of Life
High Priests of the Galaxy
Interstellar Commission-Senate
Alchemist Order
Associates Alian Shamji
Sophia Rae
Achilles Djaristo
Tenet Paspat
David L. Benjamin
Abilities Telekenisis
Laser sabers
Super agility
Super speed
Super strength
Enemies Lord Bellator
Zaphod the Destroyer
Yellow Fist
Skull Flame
Maximumjedi (Xam Rengaw) is a fictional superhero appearing in numerous comic book series published by QUACK! Comics, as well as appearing in the upcoming movie Maximumjedi. Originally based in the United States of Quentin, Maximumjedi soon became the first of few QUACK! Comics interstellar characters, being those heroes who travel into space and deal with many other planets. First appearing in Mystic Mayhem #1, Maximumjedi has the alternate name of Xam Rengaw, a farmer living in Maximum City. After encountering a dying alien named Amnani Pong-Kil and taking the dying alien's communicator, Xam was transported to the planet Sheeva, taking Pong-Kil's place in a mystical order called the Alchemist Order sworn to protect peace in the universe. Maximumjedi was originally depicted in the time period of the 1940's, first being published in the 1950's, however as decades progressed so did the setting of Maximumjedi's escapades. After taking the Alchemist oath, Maximumjedi gained extended life, meaning the hero has a lifespan of 600 years of age or more. Xam created Maximumjedi as his Alchemist alias, with "maximum" meaning to the highest extent in English, and "jedi" meaning both faithful and determined in the Sheevan language.

In the Alchemist Order, Maximumjedi was originally assigned to protect the planet of Venturia, stopping interstellar criminals from disrupting or destroying the planet. In the 1970's fictional time, however, Maximumjedi soon was assigned the entirety of the Venturia Stellar Sector, expanding his adventures to other planets such as Magarathaine where Humakavula once lived, Twelek, and Sansestro. Maximumjedi's powers stem from his ability to use the Other, a mystical force which surrounds all life. These powers allow him extended life and telekinesis, along with super agility, speed, and strength. Additionally, Maximumjedi carries green laser swords in varying style and number, which he is well trained with. After defending Venturia and later the Venturian Stellar Sector well, in the 1980's Maximumjedi was granted the rank of Master Alchemist by the Order, and was given a seat on the Alchemist High Council. The first human to serve on the council, Maximumjedi then took on an apprentice in the 1980's, named Alian Shamji, another human and resident of the Kumar Area on Venturia. In the 1990's, Maximumjedi became associated more with the Venturian heroes, especially Humakavula, and went on a variety of Venturian and interstellar adventures.

Maximumjedi has had a large assortment of villains and allies. His main allies include Alian Shamji, his apprentice and later a full Alchemist, and Humakavula, another Venturian superhero who originated from Magarathaine and has similar mystical abilities. Maximumjedi meets Sophia Rae in the 1970's, and after a while Rae becomes an Alchemist herself, and the two are married in the 1980's, fighting side by side in many missions. Other allies include his elderly father, David L. Benjamin, (until his death in the 1970's) and the commissioner of the Interstellar Commission-Senate on Sheeva, Tenet Paspat. Alchemist Master Achilles Djaristo originally trains Rengaw, however becomes less involved in later years. Maximumjedi joins the Knights of Life superhero team in 1985 as well, being allied with many of its members such as Noir, Good Hope, and Housefires. Among Maximumjedi's enemies are Lord Bellator, a former Alchemist turned evil, Zaphod the Destroyer, a galactic conqueror, Yellow Fist, an ex-Alchemist traitor, and Skull Flame, also known as Opal Byard, an intergalactic smuggler and bandit.

During the early years of publishing Maximumjedi was not one of the more popular QUACK! Comics heroes, having only a small albeit devoted following. Into the 1980's however Maximumjedi became very popular, appealing to many in the Maxx Area as well as around the country. Being a very unique hero also helped his popularity, as he appealed to many interested in the growing space exploration movement. Into the 21st century the hero continued to be popular, though not so much as the archetypical heroes like Good Hope or Noir. With the success of many superhero movies in the 21st century, QUACK! Studios, which owns the QUACK! Comics characters, announced a new QUACK! cinematic universe, with Maximumjedi slated to first appear in the movie of the same name, Maximumjedi in 2022. This features both Humakavula and Maximumjedi.

Publication History


1960's to 1980's

1990's to 2000's

Contemporary Publication

Personality and Depiction

Maximumjedi, also known as Xam Rengaw, has one main personality, unlike characters such as Noir or Good Hope who are forced to adopt different personalities to fit their alternate identities. Xam is often described as extremely loyal to the Alchemist cause, and is known for his loyalty to allies as well, gladly assisting any hero who requests assistance. This is especially true of his main ally Humakavula, as well as his apprentice Alian Shamji and spouse Sophia Rae. Rengaw is not soft-spoken and plays an active role in planning, discussion, and arguments, however does not seek out conversation and only speaks when he believes it is necessary. Additionally, during fights with villains Maximumjedi will tend to be more silent than other heroes like Nuclear Flame or Good Hope, who talk more while fighting. On multiple occasions, Maximumjedi has ignored numerous taunts by villains and ended up impaling them on his laser sabers. Xam is a devout Protestant, though he justifies killing as necessary for the greater good of the universe.

Maximumjedi does not stay in one place long, however he lives in the Alchemist headquarters on Sheeva as well as in Maximum City. Though he is often a rule-follower and a traditional superhero outside of Sheeva, inside the Alchemist order he is regarded as a more troublesome and rebellious Alchemist than others in the force, mainly because of the fact that he is human. He is depicted as an Aspkausian, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a stature of 6 feet, four inches.

Supporting Characters

See main articles: List of Maximumjedi Allies and List of Maximumjedi Enemies

Maximumjedi has many supporting characters alongside him, including many villains and allies.


Maximumjedi has one of the broadest groups of enemies in all of QUACK! Comics, as he often travels across the universe to fight crime. However, one of his more enduring enemies is Lord Bellator, a masked and hooded villain who comes from the real-life planet of Bellator, though there is no life there in real life. The enemy is similar to a bull, and carries dark red, black, or orange laser sabers, resulting in numerous captivating laser sword battles between the two adversaries. He often has a horde of small bull-like minions with him, who attempt to battle Maximumjedi with Bellator. Another main adversary of Maximumjedi is Zaphod the Destroyer, who Maximumjedi often battles alongside Humakavula. The Destroyer is an intergalactic conqueror, attempting to create chaos and instability on selected planets before taking them over by force or by persuasion. The Destroyer carries a large hammer and is an alien from the planet Batlahuse, with a green complexion. The Destroyer is often too powerful for Maximumjedi alone, though the hero can keep Zaphod at bay for a period of time before being overwhelmed.

Two other powerful adversaries Maximumjedi often faces are Yellow Fist and Skull Flame. Yellow Fist is a former member of the Alchemist order, however turned to evil after using his influence on the planet Maustafan to his advantage. As a result of his betrayal, his laser sabers turned on him, refusing to ignite when Yellow Fist first faced Maximumjedi in the 1970's. During this one-sided fight, Yellow Fist was pushed into a fiery lake by Maximumjedi, which singed his hands and scarred his face. As a result, he was given fire powers and the ability to shoot pure energy from his fists, also wearing a bandana or other wrap on his head, face, and/or neck to cover some of the burns. Yellow Fist's blasts are extremely powerful, and often powerful heroes such as Good Hope and Housefires are surprised by its power. Due to his familiarity with the villain, his agility, and his laser sabers which can deflect the energy, Maximumjedi often is the best defense against Yellow Fist. Skull Flame has a similar backstory, and though she was not a member of the Alchemist order, she was an intergalactic smuggler named Opal Byard. While attempting to smuggle her spouse and illegal supplies to another planet, Maximumjedi intervened, and thwarted Byard. Though he attempted to take Byard and her husband in alive, the smuggling ship crashed, catapulting Byard and her husband towards the system's sun. Her husband died, however Byard was given flaming powers and a skull-like body. Vowing revenge on Maximumjedi, Skull Flame continues to commit crime throughout the galaxy.

Of the hero's major adversaries, Lord Bellator is widely considered the most iconic and representative, while Zaphod is often considered the most powerful. Other more minor adversaries of Maximumjedi include Toadstump, Rozelyn D'Amilio, Colt the Bolt, and General Agony.


Maximumjedi's group of allies is also broad and diverse. The first main ally Maximumjedi has is David L. Benjamin, Xam's father from Venturia. David is often seen giving advice to Maximumjedi, encouraging him to join the Alchemist Order at the start of the series, and even once defending the Rengaw farm from attack by bandits. In the 1970's, however, Benjamin is killed by General Agony, who poisons Xam's father. After Maximumjedi finds out about the poisoning, he quickly relieves General Agony of his limbs, sending him to the Wrath Prism. The second major ally Maximumjedi meets is Alchemist Master Achilles Djaristo, who is the second highest-ranking member of the Alchemist Order. Achilles originally trains Maximumjedi, and teaches him to harness both the Other and the strength of his laser sabers. After this training, Achilles and other members of the Alchemist Order such as Reylord Sinshun, Wata Thompson, and Tree-Borg continue to meet with and fight alongside Maximumjedi in numerous escapades. While still only a regular Alchemist, Maximumjedi meets Sophia Rae, another member of the Order from Cauraisle, a Venturia-like planet with similar customs and behaviors. After fighting side by side on numerous missions, the two become romantically involved in the 1980's, and are married. Soon after, Maximumjedi is chosen to serve as an Alchemist Master, with Rae being promoted in the 1990's.

After being promoted to Alchemist Master, Maximumjedi takes on an apprentice, Alian Shamji, who is also from Venturia and has the ability to harness the powers of the Other. Alian and Xam train together and protect Venturia for most of the 1990's, with Alian becoming a full Alchemist in 1996 fictional time, 2006 real time. Tenet Paspat and Clint Wright are two more minor allies, however they still play a large role across the Maximumjedi series. Tenet Paspat is the commissioner of the Interstellar Commission-Senate on the planet Sheeva, and directs the planet's administrative and peacekeeping role in the galaxy. Maximumjedi and Humakavula both serve as the representatives of the Venturia system in the Commission-Senate, and thus Paspat and Maximumjedi interact often. Paspat often assigns missions to Rengaw, and in many editions Maximumjedi plays a role in protecting the commissioner. In the popular Maximumjedi: Alternate Realities series of the 2000's, it is revealed that Paspat has the power to harness the Other, and commits numerous crimes against the galaxy, resulting in conflict with Maximumjedi, however in canon series Paspat is not evil. Clint Wright is the commissioner of the ICEC, and coordinates with Maximumjedi and other heroes regarding missions on Venturia.


Bystander characters are often those that tread the line between good and evil, or those who do not directly aid Maximumjedi but often play a role in his missions. A good example of the first definition would be Dit Kam, a scavenger, hitman, and smuggler who often breaks the law, however also aids Maximumjedi, if only for his own self interest. Additionally, Masterworks is an intergalactic merchant who is known for his ability to find any product in the galaxy and put it up for sale. Masterworks does not directly aid Maximumjedi, however the two are on good terms, and like other intergalactic superheroes, Maximumjedi often meets with Masterworks for information or to buy equipment.


Maximumjedi's abilities come from his ability to harness the Other, a mystical energy force that surrounds all life in the universe. Some beings have greater affinity for harnessing the Other than others, with normal organisms like most humans harnessing the Other at a level where it only provides them life, and no special powers. However, Maximumjedi and the Alchemist Order harness the Other at a higher level, using it to procure many abilities. These include super agility, speed, and strength, along with telekinesis. Maximumjedi has mastered all of these main powers, with his super speed, agility, and strength allowing him to be quicker, stronger, and faster than most other humans. However, other heroes in the Knights of Life have much greater strength, speed, and agility powers, such as Good Hope or Elemental Mutant. Maximumjedi's real strength comes from his use of laser sabers in combat, and his use of telekinesis. His last main power is his ability of precognition, giving him foresight as well as the appearance of fast reflexes, which can be devastating in battle.

Besides his main powers, Rengaw has displayed a number of other powers which have come only in times of great emotion or need. These powers are not used all the time because they require an advanced harnessing of the Other. The first of these is telepathy, which allows Maximumjedi to periodically sense others around him, their emotions, and their thoughts. This is perhaps the most frequent of Xam's special powers, however it is still rare. Maximumjedi has also harnessed elemental powers, creating lava, lightning, and water from thin air, however this only occurs when the hero is angry, upset, or otherwise emotional. Finally, in a 1987 issue, Maximumjedi was able to duplicate himself to fight Bismark Legion, who had just gained his powers and decided to become a villain. After defeating Bismark Legion and convincing him to become a hero, Maximumjedi collapses from the strain of duplicating himself.

Bases and Equipment

Maximumjedi originated from Maximum City, MA, in the United States of Quentin on Venturia. When he first gained his powers, the hero had a secret base underneath a barn on the Rengaw family farm, which allowed him to store his equipment as well as his teleportation and communications devices, given to him by the Alchemist Order on Sheeva. In the 1970's after the death of his father, Maximumjedi abandoned the family farm for a time, living at the headquarters of the Alchemist Order on Sheeva and only periodically visiting Venturia. There, he had a type of dorm room which was filled with his equipment and personal effects. Maximumjedi returned to live on Venturia part-time in the 1990's, after Sophia Rae had helped him overcome some of the grief from his father's death. Restoring the old family farm, Rengaw was able to recreate his hideout from the 1940's, installing new technologies and storing equipment both at the farm and at the Alchemist base.

The hero's equipment consists mainly of his laser sabers. Special emerald crystals were harvested by Maximumjedi in an early adventure, and were used to create his green laser sabers. The hero's stash of crystals means he creates different styles and numbers of lightsabers for different occasions. His main styles consist of a standard saber, a double sided saber, and a small assassin saber. Originally Maximumjedi carried just one standard saber, which was then expanded to two standard sabers. The hero carries double sided sabers for large scale battles, and carries either one or two of these double sided sabers. Overall, however, he is best known for carrying two standard sabers and an assassin saber, a set which he has used more than any other. In addition to laser sabers, Maximumjedi carries a teleportation device and communicator. The teleportation device allows him to quickly travel to many planets from anywhere in the galaxy, though these planets are usually limited to planets in the Venturian system, Magarathaine, Twelek, Sansestro, and Sheeva. His communications device can reach anyone in the Order as well as Humakavula and the Knights of Life Headquarters on Venturia.

Maximumjedi's superhero outfit consists of black Alchemist Order robes, with a black hood. The current costume has dark green coloring on some parts of the robes, along with a black symbol of the alchemist order on the hero's belt. His belt has the ability to hold his lightsabers, and his boots are also black.

Fictional Plot

All dates in the fictional plot section are fictional dates, not dates of publication in the real world.

20th Century


Training Period

21st Century