QUACK! Comics

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QUACK! Comics is a Quentinian comic book company, primarily producing superhero comic books and based in Maximum City, MA. The company is a division of the QUACK! Corporation, with QUACK! Comics producing comic books and working alongside QUACK! Studios to create other media based on QUACK! Comics characters and storylines. The company was one of the first comic book companies in the United States of Quentin, and is by far the most popular comic book company in the country, especially after merging with Allegiance Comics in the 1970's. Worldwide the company competes with Federation Comics in the Megatridimensional Order, among other smaller companies.

QUACK! Comics mainly produces superhero comic books, with all comics taking place in the same QUACK! Comics universe. The company has produced many iconic characters over the years, many of which are instantly recognizable across the USQ and even across the world, as QUACK! Comics are read highly abroad as well. These characters include heroes like Good Hope, Noir, Humakavula, Housefires, Nuclear Flame, Raven's Assassin, Mechanicsboy, Havengirl, Maximumjedi, Celticsio, and Bismark Legion, along with villains such as Rozelyn D'Amilio, Steel Snapper, Doctor Storm, Slapjack, the Codifier, and Zaphod the Destroyer, among many others. Notable teams of villains and heroes have also been created from these characters, including the Knights of Life, Crook Casters, and the ICEC.