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== Treaty of Procantinac and Aftermath ==
== Treaty of Procantinac and Aftermath ==
The [[Treaty of Procantinac]] following the war

Latest revision as of 18:16, 21 July 2019

Quentinian War for Independence
Flag of Quentinian War for Independence Flag of Quentinian War for Independence
Flag Flag
Nickname: "The First Fight," "The Territorial Revolt"
Location of Quentinian War for Independence
Location Northwestern Territories of Quentin, Brightwater Gulf, Lankanata Ocean
Length 1823-1830 (7 years)
Causes Taxes Imposed on Territories by Order, Quentinian Declaration of Independence
Countries Involved United States of Quentin and Protectorates of Allia vs. Republic of Megatridimensional Order
Leaders and Commanders Quentinian Officers: George Firedawn and Maxamiil Schlager
Allian Leaders: Justinian Crecanshon and Gerald Mannsfield
Order Officers: Stoneside Butterwall
Peace Negotiated Procantinac
Declaration of Independence Released: January 7th, 1823
First Battle Held: March 10th, 1823
Treaty of Procantinac Signed: December 14th, 1830
Battle of Lindin Lindin, 1823
Battle of the Crossroads Territory of Grassland, 1825
Fort McCarthy Independence Battle Fort McCarthy, 1826
2nd Battle of Lindin Lindin, 1830
Casualties Allian-Quentinian Casualties: Nearly 85,000

Order Casualties: Nearly 70,000

The Quentinian War for Independence was a war fought between The Territories of Quentin (Now The United States of Quentin) along with The Protectorates of Allia against the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. The war lasted from 1823, when the Territories released the Quentinian Declaration of Independence, until 1830 when Order troops were removed, and the MTO recognized the USQ as its own country and relinquished any control over them.

The war came about because of the Territories' anger at the MTO's continued imposing of taxes and restricting acts, and the MTO thought the Territories were out of line. Main officers on the Quentinian side were George Firedawn and Maxamiil Schlager. The main Allian officer was Justinian Crecanshon, with the Protectinate being Gerald Mannsfield, and the main Megatridimensional officer was Stoneside Butterwall.


The main causes of the Quentinian War for Independence were centered around what The Territories of Quentin saw as mistreatment by the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. The Territories were founded in 1799, after the MTO gained independence from Telembria years before. The Territories were growing exponentially, and over the course of 20 years, protested to the MTO government for them to be granted statehood. However, the MTO would not grant statehood, and as a reaction to the protests, which were sometimes destructive and violent, passed numerous taxes and ordinances against the Territories, including the Citrus Trade Tax, The Fish, Steak, and Pork Acts of 1809, and The Mechanical Goods Act.

In response to the MTO's taxes and ordinances, The Territorial Assembly passed many of their own ordinances, including limiting the number of MTO Order Guards, amount of taxes, and exports to the MTO. Another of these included cancelling observances of Mocking Day, which resulted in a violent confrontation in The Mocking Day Incident. This was the last straw for the Territories, which started working on the Quentinian Declaration of Independence in 1820. The release of the document in 1823 triggered action from the MTO military, attempting to suppress the rebellion and beginning the war.

Belligerents and Military Strengths

The 3 combatants in the war were the United States of Quentin, alongside the Protectorates of Allia who joined the effort in 1826, against the Republic of Megatridimensional Order. Allia had by far the largest military of the three combatants at the time, with close to 175,000 active soldiers, the world's largest navy at the time, except for Docneighland, and numerous highly trained and educated officers, including Justinian Crecanshon, the leading General of the Protectorates of Allia at the time. Brought into the war because of territorial ambitions that directly clashed with those of the MTO, as well as the need for an ally, Allia moved nearly 50,000 of their soldiers to the USQ, along with executing the Baltimore-Allian Independence Exchange, where Allian ships sailed north with the assistance of Quentinians from Baltimore to attack MTO cities on the shores of the Lankanata Ocean. Allian troops and weaponry were transported to the USQ via ship across Brightwater Gulf, receiving nearly no interference and arriving at Port Clinton.

The MTO had in fact declared their own independence from Telembria just 30 years prior, however had, by some estimates, the 6th largest military force in the world, with much of this being foot soldiers and artillery, with a small navy. Their troop count was nearly 93,000, with many of their officers attending , however their downfall was the sometimes minimal training of their regular soldiers. Nearly 63,000 soldiers were brought into the USQ at the start of the war, mainly because concerns in the southern part of the country about different tribes and the protection of settlers prevented more from being brought ouve. These soldiers were sent across the mountains and into the USQ, moving through Lindin and down south, just across the border of the Desert Territory, however were then pushed back to the northeast near Fort McCarthy, and then into their own country by the war's end.

The Quentinian forces were by far the smallest, but had the large advantage of holding territory and having a mild economic advantage over their attackers. The Quentinian forces were made up of nearly 30,000 troops, mainly volunteers and militiamen, as well as some officers who left the Order army. The Quentinian navy was extremely minimal, consisting of a few commandeered vessels from Rapathion and the Order, with the majority of their navy being made up of privateers. These privateers came out of Baltimore and Boston, and worked with Allian naval forces to attack the MTO coast. Officers and soldiers in the Quentinian military were by far the least trained, with very hasty instruction given by officers on the standard military technique, however a large number were able to operate a rifle and use ambush tactics learned from earlier settlers to their advantage.

Course of War

A painting depicting a scene from the Battle of the Crossroads.

Megatridimensional Invasion

At the start of the war, Megatridimensional forces pushed into Snowland, nearly unopposed and captured key cities. In the Battle of Lindin, which was the first real battle of the war, the MTO marched from the border, and surrounded the city. After a siege and quick retreat by many Quentinians, the city was surrendered by Megatridimensional sympathizers to the army, which immediately took over. Casualties in the battle were low, below 100 total, with the MTO military pushing to the southwest afterwards.

Desert Territory Fighting

After the MTO army moved through the southern part of the Grassland Territory, they moved near the border of the Desert Territory, however were stopped by soldiers from Baltimore. The Battle of the Crossroads ensued, fought near a major railway conjunction on the border of the Desert Territory and the Grasslands. This battle was won by the Quentinians, preventing the MTO army from moving north towards Baltimore, and routing them towards Fort McCarthy. The casualties in this battle were 300 soldiers total, with the ratio being nearly even between both sides.

Defeat of Invading Megatridimensional Army and Allian Involvement

As the invading Megatridimensional army moved east, chased by the Quentinians, commanding officer Stoneside Butterwall decided to move north and capture Fort McCarthy, to use as a stronghold against the Quentinian troops in pursuit. They approached the city, however were seemingly unaware of the fact that General of the Quentinian Military Maxamiil Schlager had stationed his entire army in the city after communicating with General George Firedawn, whose army was in pursuit of the MTO's. The MTO army approached the fort, and decided to try a direct assault instead of laying siege to the city, mainly because supply routes to the city would be hard to interrupt, and General Butterwall was unaware of the large number of troops lying in wait.

The battle that ensued, called the Fort McCarthy Independence Battle, began when the MTO army attacked the fort from the west. Their soldiers, perhaps unprepared and unaware of the large number of troops stationed there, were crushed, with the Quentinians taking nearly 200 prisoners in the first wave. After the first wave did not return, save for a few scouts, the General sent in more reinforcements, believing the battle to still be going on. These were repulsed as well, however a retreat took place this time, with thousands backing out. Once the Order realized the strength of the city, they attempted to retreat, however were ambushed by the Quentinian army led by General Firedawn approaching from the west. Now caught between two forces, the MTO attempted to attack the smaller force outside of the fort, to try and break through towards the west, however this plan was prevented by Fort McCarthy artillery and reinforcements from the garrison. After this attack failed, General Butterwall decided to surrender to the Quentinian forces, who took nearly 5,000 prisoners. The ultimate casualties were nearly 500 killed, 450 of these being from the MTO.

This battle was the one that convinced the Allians to help the Quentinians, along with negotiations from Quentinian diplomats including Robert Dogood. After being shown evidence of the counterattack the Quentinians were operating, and the large surrender of the MTO troops at Fort McCarthy, the Allians sent their soldiers to Port Clinton. These would eventually meet up with the Quentinian army, which was now pushing east, in Snowland for the final assault near the MTO.

Eastern Quentinian Surge and Attacks on Megatridimensional Land

This eastern surge came across little resistance, until reaching the town of Northarbore, in the Grassland Territory. This sparked the Battle of Northarbore, which was won by the Quentinians after one of the longest fights of the war. Casualties were nearly 260, with the Quentinians taking the bulk of these, however winning the fight. This allowed them to push on, and begin what is now called the Storming of Snowland. Named for the lightning fast speed of the Quentinian army, the march started in northern Snowland, taking Jameisville, before moving southeast towards Lindin, liberating numerous small towns which were left nearly indefensible by the invading force at the beginning of the war. This march resulted in a small number of casualties, estimated in the 30s, along with nearly 1,000 prisoners being taken by the Quentinians.

At the same time, ships from Allia, combined with Quentinian naval forces from Baltimore and Boston, sped towards the MTO's northern coast, in the Lankanata Ocean. Their goal was to raid Megatridimensional coastal cities, mainly D'Vylia and Aggroval, hopefully damaging the economy and psyche of the Order. These raids accomplished this goal, with the ships laying siege to harbors and launching attacks on ports, stores and other public buildings, and sometimes even residential areas. Any resistance from the cities was quickly met by the trained Allian navy, as well as with determination from the Quentinians, many of them privateers eager to earn rewards back home for their efforts.

Quentinian soldiers at the 2nd Battle of Lindin.

Besides economic impact, they also accomplished the goal of damaging the psyche of the coastal cities, with many historians believing this, along with successful attempts by ground troops to cross the Tennomore Mountains, contributed to the government's decision in 1830 for peace instead of moving more troops to Snowland. Trade ships along the coast were also disrupted, affecting not only the Megatridimensional economy, but also that of Rapathion, leading to increased tension between the USQ and Rapathion in years to come.

Megatridimensional Political Reaction and Peace

When the Quentinian and Allian ground troops converged just outside of Lindin in 1830, the troops began to lay siege to the city in April. The Megatridimensional garrison stationed inside saw this, and began a stealthy retreat east back towards the Order. The Quentinian army was clueless until operatives inside the Megatridimensional army gained intelligence on the retreat, which was sent immediately to the army. The Quentinians quickly ended the siege and stormed the city, capturing it in the 2nd Battle of Lindin, and capturing the majority of the retreating troops. The casualties were nearly 300 on both sides, with nearly all being Megatridimensional.

After the city was taken, the MTO government was faced with a decision, either to gather troops from the south as well as begin a draft to start a counter-invasion, or attempt to make peace. The government leaned towards the counter-invasion, even bringing troops near Tabula Rasa in June, however the raids by Allian and Quentinian naval forces in the north and the successful attempt by the Quentinian army to cross the Tennomore Mountains in July made the government lean towards peace. This was solidified after the Allian forces crossed the Tennomore Mountains in August, and a ceasefire was agreed upon by both sides in mid-September.

Treaty of Procantinac and Aftermath

The Treaty of Procantinac following the war