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The United States of Quentin, or the USQ for short, is the largest nation in Venturia. It is situated on the '''EDIT''' continent, east of the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] and west of the United Armies of the Ls.
{{Infobox country
|name=The United States of Quentin  
|flag=United States of Quentin Flag.png
|motto="If All Else Fails, Defer to the People"
|high_point=[[Mount Kindikil]] 4.7 Miles
|long_river=[[Logan River]]
|population= 1 Billion
|anthem= "[[Liberty in the Noise]]"
|growth= 0.2
|median_age= 37.7
|demonym= Quentinians
|event1= Declared Independence from the MTO:
|event1_date= January 7th, 1823
|event2=Constitution Ratified:
|event2_date=January 31st, 1834
|capital= [[Mechanicsburg]]
|official_language= [[Farmine]]
|type= [[Quasi-Federalism|Quasi-Federal]] [[Mild Republic]]
|legislature= [[United States of Quentin Congress|Congress]]<br>'''Upper:''' [[House of Bureaucrats]]<br>'''Lower:''' [[Quentinian House of Representatives|House of Representatives]]
|office1= President:
|official1= [[Clint Toll]]
|office2= GTNEC:
|official2= [[Gretchen DeArmant]]
|office3= Head Bureaucrat:
|official3= [[Pete Fischer]]
|office4= Supreme Decider:
|official4= [[Sue Jevic]]
|subdivision_name= States and Territories:
|subdivisions= '''States:'''<br/>[[Chip Area]]<br>[[Desert Area]]<br/>[[Grassland Area]]<br/>[[Kahoot Area]]<br/>[[Kumar Area]]<br/>[[Long Beach Island]]<br/>[[Maxx Area]]<br>[[Multi-Logan State]]<br/>[[Snowland]]<br>[[Tantallegara]]<br/>'''Territories:'''<br/>[[Berlinsavis]]<br/>[[JP Island]]<br/>[[Kade Islands]]<br/>[[Quentinian Raven Islands|Raven Islands]]
|currency= [[DIG System]]
|currency_symbol= Ð
|currency_code= DIG
|GDP= Ð2.235 Trillion ($22.35 Trillion)
|per_capita_GDP= Ð2,235 ($22,350)
|GDP_growth= 3.7
|unemployment= 6.3
|life_expectancy= 80.3
|gross_enrollment= 91.97
|measures= [[DuBuis System]]
|traffic= Right-Hand
|iso_code= USQ
|TLD= .nwd
|VST= [[VST+2]] ([[Asperian Central Standard Time]])<br/>[[VST+3]] ([[Asperian Gulf Standard Time]])<br/>[[VST+4]] ([[Tennomore Standard Time]])
|telephone= 7
}}The '''United States of Quentin''', also referred to as the '''USQ''' or simply '''Quentinia''', is the second largest nation in [[Venturia]] in terms of population and land area. Situated in [[East Asper]], the nation borders the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] to the south, and numerous bodies of water, including the [[Sea of Stratigeo]], [[Brightwater Gulf]], and the [[Lankanata Ocean]]. The nation is made up of ten [[States of the United States of Quentin|states]], along with four [[Territories of the United States of Quentin|federal territories]], and is governed by its [[Constitution of the United States of Quentin|Constitution]], ratified in 1834. The nation's [[United States of Quentin Federal Government|federal government]] is made up of the [[Supreme Council]], [[United States of Quentin Congress|Congress]], and [[United States of Quentin Federal Government#Executive Branch|executive branch]], with the current [[President of the USQ|President]] being [[Kyle Lovestington]]. The nation's current capital is [[Mechanicsburg]], and the nation has a population of nearly 1 billion.
The first settlers in the area where the USQ would be formed came from the Megatridimensional Order, a young nation recently formed from [[Telembria]] in the 1790's. These settlers went further north than others as a part of the [[Quentinian Party]], and formed the [[Territories of Quentin]], a territory of the new nation. The Territories would not be recognized by the MTO as a state, and numerous taxes in early 1800's led to the [[Quentinian War for Independence]], where the nation won its independence. This led to the nation ratifying the [[Constitution of the United States of Quentin|Constitution]] in 1834, creating the new federal government. The [[Founders Conflict]] raged for a few years in the 1840's, however overall the new nation vigorously expanded their territories and industrialized its economy in the early 1800's, and fought wars with [[Punctinaturalland]] later on.
Late in the 1800's, a part of the nation seceded, and after the [[Logan War of Secession]] the new nation of [[Mayberry Logan]] was formed, and the [[Quentin-Logan Border War]] was fought afterwards. In the late 1800's the nation became one of the world's forefront economies, until the [[Great Venturian War]] in 1900, wherein the USQ joined the [[Anti-Expansionist Alliance]], and was defeated by the [[Righteousness Pact]]. Despite the loss, the USQ experienced a period of more rapid growth and prosperity in the 1920's, attempting to settle [[Zwakazi]] territories and expand its military. In 1925 the [[Greater Venturian War]] began, and despite efforts to stay out of the war, the nation fought in 1928. After victory in the war, the USQ became the world's greatest nation in economics, military, and culture, and the 1950's through 1980's are recognized as a period of great dominance for the nation, establishing the [[Venturian Union]] and dominating world affairs with the absence of the Megatridimensional Order.
Today the United States of Quentin still maintains a dominant place in world affairs, however the end of the [[Megatridimensional Civil War]] and other global factors have caused a shift in power to other nations. The USQ currently has the second greatest GDP in the world at $22.35 trillion, using the [[DIG System]] as its currency. A [[Mild RePublic]], the nation is one of three [[Venturian Union Head Nations|head nations]] on the [[Venturian Union Security Bureau]], [[Venturian Union Legislative Congress]], and [[Venturian Union Economic Bureau]], and is the only nation in the world to be a permanent member of all three. It also has numerous alliances worldwide, including the [[Asperian Trade and Defense Organization]], is a highly developed nation, a [[Nuclear Weapons Nations|nuclear power]], and has the second largest military in the world. It is a cultural, scientific, and economic leader worldwide.
== History ==
[[Venturia Timeline]]
===Territorial Years and Independence===
What is today known as the United States of Quentin, or the USQ for short, was first explored by the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] in 1798, and in 1 short year became a territory of the MTO. The territory quickly grew, and in 1810 held 2.6 million people. It was a flourishing territory, and brought a lot of money and food to the MTO, although they would still not grant the territory statehood. In 1803, the MTO reached an agreement called [[The Bost Agreement]], which did not grant the territories statehood, however gave them the freedom to establish a territorial government, called [[The Territorial Assembly]].
In 1805 again the territories demanded statehood, and in March peaceful protesters marched along Mechanicsburg's streets. The MTO reacted differently to these demands than in 1800, though, and sent in [[The Order Guard]] to arrest the protesters. Then, in 1807, the MTO government passed the [[Citrus Trade Tax]], which increased taxes on fruits and vegetables entering the territory. The Quentinians protested, however were quickly silenced out of fear of the Order Guard. In 1809 the MTO, perhaps encouraged by the fear of the populous, passed [[The Fish, Steak, and Pork Acts of 1809]]. This time, the whole country seemed to be in an uproar, and they were enraged. From the period of 1811-1813, the Quentinians staged [[The Territorial Tax Protests]], which were a series of destructive protests in the Territories. One such protest in 1812 even managed to set fire to the [[MTO Territorial Minister]], [[Grimoire Revere]]'s house, after which the Order Guard arrested everyone involved they could find. Around this time, the Territorial Assembly also passed numerous laws dictating how many Order Guards there could be per city, how much money the MTO could tax the Quentinians, and the number of goods allowed to be exported to the states.
In 1818, the MTO put their foot down on the Territories. First, they declared the Territorial Assembly to be illegal, since the Quentinians had broken the Bost Agreement by protesting. Secondly, they passed [[The Mechanical Goods Act]], which declared that firearms and gunpowder would be banned in the territories, and that mechanical goods and factories would have their taxes raised. This enraged the Quentinians even further, which meant more protests and such. Finally, all the tension sparked and exploded in [[The Mocking Day Incident]] in 1820. The incident was the last straw for the Quentinians, and later that year a secret Territorial Assembly meeting was held, where the delegates agreed to begin secret work on a document declaring the Territories independent from the MTO. The document was to be written by [[Knile Hufflepuff]]. During this time, the Territorial Assembly also organized an army to fight off any resistance from the MTO, and smuggled in weapons and ammunition from [[The Protectorates of Allia]], all in secret. Finally, in 1823, the [[Quentinian Declaration of Independence]] was released. The MTO was not happy out this, and demanded the Quentinians retract the Declaration. However, when they did not, the MTO immediately started mobilizing troops and guns to fight the rebels. The [[Quentinian War for Independence]] had started. After a fight lasting 7 years, and the eventual involvement of Allia in the war, the Quentinians won, and in 1830 was officially recognized as a country by the MTO.
===The United States of Quentin Constitution===
After the war was over, the new country needed to decide on a form of government. So, in August of 1831, two delegates from each new state, the Maxx Area, Snowland, the Desert Area, and the Grassland Area came to Mechanicsburg to discuss the writing of a new Constitution. They discussed and debated until September of 1833, when it got the go ahead by every delegate except [[George Penswill]] of Snowland. Finally, after seeing Penswill was not able to be reasoned with, Snowland replaced him, and finally writing could commence. It was written, and on January 31st, 1834 it was ratified by the last state, Snowland, and [[The Constitution of the United States of Quentin]] became official.
===The Punctin Wars===
In the mid 1800s, the new country was looking to grow, acquire new resources, and gain wealth. To do that, they looked to expand. However, the nation of [[Punctinaturalland]] was in the way of that. So, in 1835, the USQ declared war on Punctinaturalland in the [[Early Punctin War]]. After two years, the USQ surrendered. In [[The Treaty of Commitment]] nothing really happened, except for peace. After the war, however, the USQ negotiated a deal called [[The Southern Maxx-Von Zig Deal]]. The deal is today largely viewed as a major blunder for Punctinaturalland, as it gave the USQ a huge chunk of land that today is the states of [[The Multi-Logan State]], part of [[The Desert Area]], and [[Tantallegara]] for only $1.6 million.
After the loss to Punctinaturalland, the USQ increased their military rapidly from 1835 to 1860, vowing never to lose that bad again. In 1862, the military got its chance to prove itself as Punctinaturalland declared war on the USQ in the [[Final Punctin Wars]]. This came after the USQ built [[Fort Byinlarge]] near the border, and passed numerous tariffs against them. This time, the USQ was ready, and after 1 year, the war ended in victory for the USQ with [[The Treaty of Nine]]. In the Treaty, the USQ gained Long Beach Island and the Kahoot Area. The treaty also made Punctinaturalland give many trade and economic benefits to the USQ, which gave them a ton of wealth. Alternatively, though, Punctinaturalland went downhill economically, almost going broke in 1864.
That's why, in 1865, a large part of Punctinaturalland declared itself independent from the rest of Punctinaturalland. The government wouldn't have it, and from 1866-1868 the [[Punctinaturalland Civil War]] was fought. The rebels eventually won with economic help from the USQ, and in 1872, after 6 years of sovereignty and another year as a territory, opted to join the USQ as its seventh state, the Chip Area. The rest of Punctinaturalland was extremely poor by this point, and most people made less than 2 cents a month. In 1870, the USQ decided to seize on the unhappiness of the Punctinaturalland population and declared Punctinaturalland to be a part of the USQ. The government made no reaction to the declaration until 1871, when they declared Punctinaturalland dissolved and ceded to the USQ.
===The Late 1800s===
In the late 1800s, after [[The Founders Conflict]], with plenty of land and a strong economic structure, the USQ started to change from being a young, rebel country to rising in the world. Economically they were ranked among the highest countries in the world, and also produced a ton of food products. In the late 1800s, coal also became a big industry as factories started taking over the world, and the USQ had a lot of coal. At one point, the USQ accounted for around 65% of the world's coal production. The age of invention was also there by the time, and the USQ was right in the thick of it. One notable USQ innovator was [[B.T. DuBuis]], a factory owner who also invented many military creations, including tanks, new firearms and the first ever airplane. DuBuis also funded [[The DuBuis Peace Conference]], held over three days in 1885 and hosted by the USQ. Another was [[Al Chepdore]], who invented the USQ's most popular candy company, [[The Cheppy Candy Company]].
Also, in 1875 a part of southern Quentin seceded from the rest of the country, disgruntled by what they saw as no government authority or ability for the government to be decisive. They called the new country Mayberry Logan, after their leader and first Dictator, [[Logan Warren I]]. Things were tense, so the USQ called a conference to sort things out. At the meeting, Dictator Logan Warren I insulted the current [[GTNEC of the USQ]], [[Alex Collinsworth]] in 1881, and later [[Representative of the USQ]] [[Dimetor Okafor]] called the rebels, "...ungrateful children, disloyal to their nation and all they grew up for, and their ancestors died for. If they want to secede, then heck let 'em, but get them undeserved insurgents off our dang land!" In a week, a small force of [[The Fort McCarthy Defense Force]] was gathered, and they attacked the Loganers, winning and sending them across [[The Sea of Stratigeo]]. For 1 year the Loganers set up land, and cities, however things were still tense. Then Mayberry Logan declared that its borders were further north than the sea, and moved troops across the waters.
Later that year, Mayberry Logan decided to enforce this land claim, and declared war on the USQ in the [[Quentin-Logan Border War]] of 1883. The fighting was hard, and the Loganers were losing a lot of ground. Then, later that year the MTO also declared war on the USQ. Now fighting a war on two fronts, the going got a bit harder for the Quentinian army. However, the USQ army was well trained by that time, and they had a large amount of support for the the war with their citizens, which meant more soldiers. So, in 1885 they got the upper hand again, establishing firm holds on some of the MTO's land and Mayberry Logan's. All three countries were finally ready for peace, and in the [[Treaty of Building States]] that followed the war, the border was set back to the way the USQ wanted them, peace was declared, and the USQ gave back all the land that were originally the MTO's.
=== Golden Age of Gangs ===
During this time, from the late 1800's through the 1920's, the USQ was experiencing a period now referred to as [[The Golden Age of Gangs]]. During this period, mainly in [[The Chip Area]], numerous gangs formed, including [[The JP-Mellio]] and [[The Mukdukk]]. These gangs were able to establish numerous legal and illegal operations in that state, which they profited greatly from, including gambling, alcohol and drug sales, and other illegal activities. The JP-Mellio was mainly involved in things such as bars, alcohol, and casinos, while the Mukdukk was involved in more illegal activities, such as drugs, prostitution, and sometimes would even commit murders and mass robberies. The local CA police were involved for years attempting to stop them, but using a variety of techniques they were able to evade the police. So, after [[The Great Venturian War]], in 1912, [[The Quentinian Intelligence Department]] became very involved in the stopping of the gangs.
Finally, after nearly 30 years of the gangs practically ruling the CA, the QUID was able to arrest many gang leaders, including [[Cornelius Riplop]], [[Johnny Snaks]], [[Emily Gerrord]], and [[Bobby Chezxks]], and shut down some of the main operations of the gangs. However, by this time the gangs and things like drug dealing, casinos, and alcohol were so ingrained in the culture and everyday life of the southern part of the country that public opinion was too turned against the government for them to be able to shut the gangs down completely without mass riots. So, in the late '20's, the QUID was able to make a deal with the gangs, called [[The CA Gang Agreement]], to legalize some of the activities in the CA as well as [[The Multi-Logan State]] and stop harassing the gangs on their activities as long as the gangs adhered to supervision from QUID agents and to stop severe crimes, such as murders, robberies, and severe drugs. The deal was supposed to be secret, however, it "leaked" out to the public, preventing riots and securing a stable relationship with the populous.
===The Great Venturian War ===
In the late 1800s, the MTO was causing trouble with their expansion. So, an organization that included the USQ was formed. Called [[The Anti-Expansionist Alliance]], it was an alliance of countries that was committed to stopping expansionism by the MTO and its allies. In response, the MTO organized its own alliance, called the [[Righteousness Pact]]. It was committed to defending its members against the AEA. In 1900, the two alliances went to war after Bymaria, a RP country, declared war on Carkhia, which was an AEA country. One declaration of war led to another, and soon [[The Great Venturian War]] had begun. The USQ was right on the front lines of fighting, mainly fighting the MTO, Mayberry Logan, and Bymar. Finally, after 12 years of war, the MTO and the RP came out on top.
In the [[Treaty of Fatama]] ending the war, the RP was granted land to the west and the right to expand into areas not claimed by any other country. The AEA was also forced to disband in the Treaty, however the member countries simply formed defensive pacts and commerce treaties with each other individually. After the war, in the USQ a sense of national pride really started to develop. The sense had been there in the past, however in the 20s, 30s and 40s it really started to form into a deep pride, and a sense that the USQ was the greatest nation on Venturia. This was strengthened by the fact that the USQ, even though they had lost, they had held their own and defended their country. This led to many official cultural things for the USQ, including the [[United States of Quentin Pledge of Allegiance]], the [[USQ National Anthem]], and many products being nationalized and a USQ culture being developed. This would be even further advanced in [[The United States of Quentin Age of Culture]] in the late 1900's.
=== Zwakazian Settlement ===
In the period between the two wars, the nation looked to expand its territory even further than it had in the past century. However, land on [[Asper]] was already, for the majority, claimed by other countries, and tensions between the nations were extremely high. So, wanting to avoid a large conflict like the one in the decade before, the USQ was not able to expand itself on the Asper continent. There was, however, unknown lands on the [[Zwakazi]] continent, and the government enlisted private companies and groups to go and settle on the continent. The first group to leave, called [[The Quentinian Expeditionary Corps]], sailed southeast from [[Boston]] in 1916, and arrived at a country called [[The Iridium Coast]] that same year. They landed, and founded the city [[Quentinsburg]] on the western coast of the country. Other ships followed, and soon hundreds of people were living in the city. The settlement was recognized by the USQ government in 1920 as a territory, called [[The Zwakazian Territory]]. This aggression in claiming land did not go unnoticed with the Iridium government, however, and an army was gathered to attack the Quentinians. The Iridium army was severely under-equipped and untrained compared to the Quentinians, however the Quentinian settlement contracted [[Coastal Fever]] in 1921, and the ones that didn't die, left. The city is still there today, however, resettled by Iridium citizens.
Another trip by the Expeditionary Corps sailed northwest from [[Long Beach Island]], and headed for the country of [[Xevenia]], which was scarcely organized and was made up of loosely organized tribes with tribal leaders. The Corps landed at two places along the southern coast of the nation, landing two boats and settling a city called [[Long Beach]], and another two boats landing and settling at a city they called [[Jeffersontown]] in 1921. The Quentinian government did not recognize the settlement as a territory, but sent messages to the settlement saying they needed to grow before being recognized. From 1921 to 1923, multiple new ships came, and the two cities soon had populations of around 400 each, which were added to by local populations coming and living there. The settlement was then recognized as a territory, but, like the settlement in the Iridium Coast, it was not welcomed by the native government. A man named [[Peter Orotro]] came to power in 1923 on the promise of pushing the Quentinians out. He gathered a large army, and started what is called [[The Quentinian Expeditionary War]].
The Quentinians easily held of the armies of Xevenia, and tribal leaders secretly began negotiating with the USQ behind the back of Orotro. They eventually came to an agreement in early 1924, called [[The Xevenian-Quentinian Sovereignty Agreement]], which made the USQ leave in return for Orotro being deposed and the Xevenians promising not to attack Quentinian ships. While in both situations the Quentinians had to leave their settlements, many of the settlers either had children with or became part of numerous Xevenian and Iridite groups. The lasting impact of this intermixing is that today many Xevenians and a lesser amount of Iridites can trace their heritage to Quentinian settlers, resulting in the cities of [[Quentinsburg]], [[Jeffersontown]], and [[Long Beach]] having numerous cultural and political aspects similar to the USQ.
=== The Greater Venturian War ===
In the period between the two wars politically the MTO continued to expand into Allia, but then halted expansion there. The USQ started to become the worldwide mediator that it is today, settling disputes between the MTO and its allies, the RP, and a new group that had formed, similar to the AEA, called [[The Southern Coastal Alliance]], or SOCA. Originally, the USQ was not involved, trying instead to mediate issues. Even when the two alliances went to war with [[The Greater Venturian War]] in 1925, the USQ stayed out of it. However, after issues along the border with violence from the MTO, the USQ joined the war, on the side of the SOCA.
The war was fierce, with every country in the world eventually joining the conflict except 3. In 1931, the first atomic bomb made was dropped by the Order on [[Docneighland]], a shock to the SOCA. However they did not back down, and the USQ was on the front lines of the fighting once again. After leading the invasion of both the COL and MTO, the SOCA was victorious after 10 years. In the [[Treaty of Fort McCarthy]], the RP was disbanded, and a world peacekeeping organization was formed. Still existing today, it is called [[The Venturian Union]]. The treaty also gave land to the MTO, but enforced tariffs on them, and put an expansion restriction on them, that was good for 5 years.
=== Late 1900's ===
After [[The Venturian Wars]] in the former part of the 20th century, the USQ entered a period of prosperity, creativity, and global dominance in the latter half of it. This was mainly due to the absence of the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] from global view, because of their inner conflict, known as the [[Megatridimensional Civil War]]. This was the time of [[The United States of Quentin Age of Culture]], when the nation rocketed to the forefront of many industries, including media, sports, cinema, music, and literature. The economy boomed in the nation, and as a result, infrastructure was greatly improved, even more than it already was, and recreational areas like parks and playing courts, especially in major cities, were greatly improved.
The late 1900's also brought the USQ into recognition as a world superpower, due to their military dominance, economic superiority and [[Nuclear Weapons of the United States of Quentin|possession of nuclear weapons]]. During this period, there were 2 minor conflicts that the USQ was brought into, [[The Mild Republic War]] and [[The Coffee War]], both of which were quickly won by the USQ.
=== Contemporary History ===
The turn of the 21st century saw the USQ fall out of status as the lone dominant power on Venturia, with the MTO's Civil War ending and other countries rushing into the spotlight, including countries from the [[Zwakazi]] continent. However, the USQ is still a major power militarily and economically, as well as having a large influence on others' cultures, still the center of cinema production and literature. In recent years, the USQ has been involved in multiple minor conflicts, including [[The Quentinian-Gallanathian Trade War]] in the early part of the century, [[The Quentinian Prevention Wars]] around 2011, as well as multiple skirmishes and conflicts with a group called the [[Hei Hei Hatvists]] and their home country, [[The United Villages of Southia]]. The [[Asperian Roofball War]] occurred in 2019, in which the USQ gained numerous economic benefits.
Issues have also arisen in the management of the planet, including weapons policies, nuclear reduction laws and global immigration, all put into action and debated on by [[The Venturian Union]], which the USQ has played a major role in both founding and running today. Recently, [[Clint Toll]] was elected as [[President of the USQ]], a member of the [[Quentinian Environmentalist Party|Environmentalist Party]].
== Geography, Climate, and Environment ==
The entirety of the USQ takes up approximately 9,984,670 square kilometers, and is the 2nd largest nation on [[Venturia]], in terms of land area, behind only the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]], which is almost one million square kilometers larger, at approximately 10,878,333 square kilometers. The country's land includes the main landmass, along with [[Long Beach Island]] in the northwestern corner of the nation. [[File:Physical_Map_of_the_United_States_of_Quentin.png|right|thumb|250px|A map of physical features in the USQ]]
=== Climate and Geography ===
Since the nation is of such a massive size, there are numerous different climates for different regions of the USQ. In the northeastern part of the nation, where the state of [[Snowland]] is, the climate is generally extremely snowy and cold, save for summer, with low temperatures and snowfall generally being the highest in the nation, while the terrain is hilly and densely forested, like much of the eastern part of the country. As you head further south into the [[Grassland Area]] and the southern Kahoot and Tantallegara states, the climate warms considerably, although compared to regions of other nations, it is still very cold in the winter and fall months. The amount of forests compared to those of Snowland also drop here.
Moving back north to [[The Maxx Area]] and the northeastern parts of the [[Desert Area]], the climate is similar to that of Snowland, however it can be more mountainous in regions, and as you move further south the temperatures rise, especially in summer time. The Desert Area, being the largest state in the nation, has varied climates and land types, however it is generally warm and has plenty of water sources. The northern part of the state is one of the most mountainous regions of the country, probably second only to the [[Kumar Area]], it is home to [[Mount Kindikil]] and the [[Expansion Mountains]]. As you move south in the state, the land becomes increasingly flatter, until you come upon the southern part of the country, home to [[The Quentinian Plains]], as well as numerous rivers that make the region perfect for cultivation.
In the southernmost state of the country, the [[Chip Area]], it becomes very warm, much warmer than the rest of the country as well as some parts of the world, with an 91 degrees Fahrenheit summer average high, and a 77 degrees Fahrenheit summer average low. In the north of the state, like the DA, it is flat except in the western and easternmost region, and can also be mildly hilly, comparable to the northeast of the country, in the southern part of the state. Moving west into the Kumar Area, the land becomes extremely mountainous, and the altitude is the highest in the nation, but only in the eastern and central parts of the state. In the western, coastal part of the state, it is very flat. This state more than others is very rainy, or snowy in winter, and is marginally cold depending on what region of the state you are in. Finally, [[Long Beach Island]], an island in the northwestern corner of the nation, is generally flat, but very cold, and is the least densely forested states in the USQ.
=== Wildlife ===
As with the climates and geography of the nation, the USQ also has tons of diverse wildlife, including thousands of animal and plant species.
== Demographics ==
=== Population and Ethnicity ===
The total population of the USQ, as of 2018, is estimated at around 1,020,640,005 people. This statistic means that the USQ has the second largest population for a country in [[Venturia]], second only to the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]], who have a population of around 1.83 billion as of 2018. While the nation has an extremely large population and one of the largest immigration allowances in the world, the birth rate is relatively low, and the nation's life expectancy is rising. The ethnicity and race of the population is mainly made up of [[Gadoupes]], [[Aspkausians]], [[Jumanges]], and [[Zwakanavs]], four of the many ethnicities on Venturia, with Aspkausians making up 54% of the population, Jumanges making up 24%, Gadoupes making up 15%, Zwakanavs making up 5%, and other smaller groups making up the remaining 2 percent.
The largest states in the nation by population are currently the [[Chip Area]], with 255 million, the [[Grassland Area]] following close behind, and the [[Desert Area]]. Nearly 78% of Quentinians live in urban areas, which include suburbs, with the vast majority of rural residents residing in the [[Desert Area]] or [[Snowland]]. About 3/4 of these urban residents live in cities with a population of 50,000 or larger, and as of 2020, 356 cities in the country had over 100,000 people, 16 cities were over 1 million, and 3 cities, [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Rodriguezville]], and [[Mechanicsburg]] were over 10 million. In addition to individual cities, the [[National Institute of Public Statistics]] (NIPUS) identifies four megalopolises in the nation, which are areas made up of numerous large cities and urban areas. These are the [[Logan River Megalopolis]], by far the largest, followed by the [[Chip-Logan Megalopolis]], the [[Brightwater States Megalopolis]], and the [[Lankanata-Maxx Megalopolis]], which can sometimes be classified as two separate megalopolises, however the NIPUS identifies it as one. While these areas are extremely high in population and urban density, they are still smaller than megalopolises in other nations because of the size of the USQ.
=== Religion ===
''[[Religion in the United States of Quentin]]''
[[File:Religions_in_the_USQ_Pie.png|300px|thumb|right|Religion in the United States of Quentin (2019)]]
The [[United States of Quentin Constitution]], in the [[Seventeenth Amendment to the United States of Quentin Constitution|17th Amendment]], forbids the federal government, or any state or local governments from establishing an official state religion or religions. It also separates church and state, forbidding [[United States of Quentin Congress|Congress]] or the [[President of the USQ|President]] from making laws on religion, and allows all to hold any or no religious beliefs, and practice them freely without persecution.
In the most recent survey of religion in the country, nearly 72.2% of all Quentinians identify as [[Christianity|Christians]]. Of these, 51.7% identify as [[Quentinian Christianity|Quentinian Christian]], and 20.5% identify as [[Allian Christianity|Allian Christians]]. In addition to these main Christian religions, another 15.4% identified as belonging to another non-Christian religion, with [[Skethianity]] being the largest at 11.3%, followed by followers of [[Trinitism]] (1.9%), [[Rationalism]] (0.7%), [[Reformed Hatvism]] (1.1%), and [[Hatvism]] (0.4%). There are also numerous smaller religious communities in the nation, which is one of the most diverse in the world due to its policies, location in the world, and high immigration rates. In addition to these, 12.4% identified as having no religion.
Since Quentinian Christianity makes up over half of the population of the USQ, there are many subdivisions of the Christian denomination present in the nation as well. The largest of these is the [[United Messiah Church]], whose members, of the 51.7% of Quentinian Christians in the nation, make up 51% of those Quentinian Christians. Other groups include the [[Liberal United Messiah Church]], the [[Weber National Church]], the [[New Age Prophecies Church]], and [[List of Quentinian Christian Denominations|numerous others]]. Allian Christianity came to the USQ with the settlement of [[Allia|Allian]] settlers in the [[Kahoot Area]] and [[Long Beach Island]], and it was practiced somewhat in the early [[Territories of Quentin]] and [[Megatridimensional Order]]. After the [[Quentinian Faith Awakening]] of the mid-1800's, Allian Christianity hugely declined, and today is the second largest form of Christianity in the nation. It is mostly concentrated in the Kahoot Area and Long Beach Island, though it also has follower groups concentrated in the northern [[Desert Area]] and [[Maxx Area]], around cities such as [[Boston]] and [[Baltimore]], large hotspot cities. Its followers are scattered across the USQ, however. [[Skethianity]], the second largest religion present in the nation, is concentrated mainly in the [[Kumar Area]], where the religion's followers make up over 20% of the population, and the northwestern Desert Area, with immigrants from [[New Sketherlands]] coming to the KUA and DA especially. Large hotspot cities for Skethianity today include [[Kumar City]], [[Yadlapaville]], [[Liberation City]], and [[Verisitium]]. [[Hatvism]] is practiced little in the USQ, but mainly in [[Tantallegara]] and the [[Chip Area]]. [[Reformed Hatvism]], on the other hand, is much more popular in the USQ, and its followers are concentrated mainly in Tantallegara, the Chip Area, as well as the Kumar Area, though they have communities across the nation like other religions. Finally, the Megatridimensional-originated religions of [[Trinitism]] and [[Rationalism]] originated from Megatridimensional immigrants and citizens in the mid to late 1800's, as the religions only developed in the MTO around those times. Since then, the religions have grown and spread across the nation, with the largest concentrations being in [[Snowland]], especially in the [[Peninsular Snowland|peninsular regions]] of the state, in cities such as [[Metropurbane]] and [[Lindin]].
=== Language ===
''Main article: [[Languages of the United States of Quentin]]''
[[Farmine]] is the official language of the United States of Quentin, and the language is federalized by the [[Merged Identity Language Act]] of the later 1800's, meaning all federal officials and operations use the language. The USQ is unique in this regard, as the language of Farmine was formed during the 19th century, as the USQ was formed from the [[MTO]] and wanted to create a stronger identity. This will, combined with the inclusion of increasingly more numerous ethnic groups, created a new language which combined aspects of [[Pexsakxj]], the [[Punctinaturalland]] language, [[English]], and [[Allian]]. The language was standardized in the late 1800's by [[Martha Greer]], and it came into wider use with the Language Act that same century.
Despite this, English is still spoken as a de facto language by many in the nation, and the USQ has one of the largest populations of dual-language speakers in the world, if not the very largest, with Farmine and English being spoken by about 61% of the population, even more than the number of only English and only Farmine speakers combined. Besides English and Farmine, numerous other languages are spoken around the nation. There are only 3 other languages, besides English, to be recognized at the state level only. These are [[New Zwakazian]] in the [[Desert Area]] and [[Long Beach Island]], [[Pexsakxj]] in [[Tantallegara]] and the [[Chip Area]], and [[Allian]] in Long Beach Island and the [[Kahoot Area]]. Many states mandate that state documents be published in both English and Farmine, and other native languages such as [[Atillaraoan (language)|Atillaraoan]] and [[Warshamanian]], both used widely among the overseas territories of the nation such as [[Berlinsavis]] and [[J.P. Island]].
The most taught foreign languages in the Quentinian school systems besides English and Farmine are [[New Zwakazian]], [[Allian]], and [[Skethish]]. Other commonly taught languages include [[Lingantiqua]], the old language of the [[Allian Empire]] and others, along with [[Trinese]] and [[Sacred Zwakazian]].
Note: Of the English and Farmine bilingual population, nearly 75% spoke Farmine before English.
:{| class="wikitable sortable" |Style: Width=50%
!width=30% | Language !! Percent of Population !! Number of Speakers
| [[English]] and [[Farmine]] || 61% || 610,000,000
| [[English]] Only || 20.1% || 201,200,000
| [[Farmine]] Only || 15% || 150,000,000
| [[New Zwakazian]] || 2% || 20,000,000
| [[Allian]] || 1.1% || 11,000,000
| [[Pexsakxj]] || 0.78% || 7,800,000
=== Health and Education ===
The United States of Quentin is one of only a few nations on [[Venturia]] to not have government healthcare which is covered for all people. The nation's healthcare sector is mostly private, although the USQ is unique in the fact that the federal government and state governments routinely establish hospitals with funds from taxes, however then sell these hospitals to private companies for less money, ensuring that the USQ has arguably the best private healthcare system in the world, and that care is available in many locations, though prices are generally higher than government healthcare nations.
=== Cities ===
There are sixteen cities in the United States of Quentin with a population of over 1 million, and one of those is the 2nd-largest city in the world, [[Bakersfieldville]]. The capital city of the nation is [[Mechanicsburg]], which is also the nation's third-largest city by population. Below are the twenty largest cities in the nation, with capital cities in bold.
:{| class="wikitable sortable" |Style: Width=100%
!width=5% | Rank !! City !! State !! Pop.
| 1 || '''[[Bakersfieldville]]''' || [[Desert Area]] || 32,413,821
| 2 || '''[[Rodriguezville]]''' || [[Chip Area]] || 22,849,117
| 3 || '''[[Mechanicsburg]]''' || [[Grassland Area]] || 11,722,897
| 4 || '''[[Lindin]]''' || [[Snowland]] || 9,586,422
| 5 || '''[[Baltimore]]''' || [[Desert Area]] || 8,466,120
| 6 || [[Poleton]] || [[Chip Area]] || 7,126,355
| 7 || [[Maximum City]] || [[Maxx Area]] || 7,014,789
| 8 || [[Kindikil]] || [[Desert Area]] || 5,200,530
| 9 || '''[[Boston]]''' || [[Maxx Area]] || 4,106,987
| 10 || [[Fort McCarthy]] || [[Grassland Area]] || 3,988,416
:{| class="wikitable sortable" |Style: Width=100%
!width=5% | Rank !! City !! State !! Pop.
| 11 || '''[[BizTown]]''' || [[Multi-Logan State|Multi-Logan]] || 3,345,000
| 12 || [[Port Jaron]] || [[Chip Area]] || 2,945,618
| 13 || '''[[Livjessville]]''' || [[Kahoot Area]] || 2,315,315
| 14 || [[Liberation City]] || [[Desert Area]] || 1,378,522
| 15 || [[Port Clinton]] || [[Grassland Area]] || 1,363,910
| 16 || '''[[Beach Haven]]''' || [[Long Beach Island]] || 1,000,645
| 17 || [[Jameisville]] || [[Snowland]] || 917,844
| 18 || [[West Snowy]] || [[Snowland]] || 812,895
| 19 || '''[[David City]]''' || [[Tantallegara]] || 804,818
| 20 || [[Yadlapaville]] || [[Kumar Area]] || 797,550
== Infrastructure ==
=== Transportation ===
Personal transportation in the USQ is mainly dominated by automobiles, which operate on thousands of road systems which constitute the largest system of roads in the world.
=== Water, Sanitation, and Power ===
== Economy ==
=== Largest Companies ===
''Main article: [[List of Largest Quentinian Companies]]''
Below is a list of the largest companies based in the United States of Quentin, in no particular order.
:{| class="wikitable sortable" |Style: Width=75%
!width=30% | Company !! Industry !! Headquarters
| [[Tennomore Bank]] || Banking || [[Lindin]], [[Snowland|SL]]
| [[Shah Enterprises]] || Electronics, software || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[Blumenthal Corporation]] || Medical supplies || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[Diamond Media Corporation]] || Media || [[Port Jaron]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Kumar Industries]] || Electronics, software || [[Kumar City]], [[Kumar Area|KA]]
| [[Yadlapally Industries]] || Weapons, military contracting || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[Quentinian Gazette Inc.]] || Media || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]/[[Beach Haven]], [[LBI]]
| [[Cheznowski Insurance]] || Insurance || [[Lindin]], [[Snowland|SL]]
| [[Cheppy Candy Company]] || Candy || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[DuBuis Manufacturing Corporation]] || Manufacturing, construction, oil, automotive || [[Lindin]], [[Snowland|SL]]
| [[MechEcs Community Bank]] || Banking || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[People's Bank]] || Banking || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Petruzelli Bank]] || Banking || [[Kumar City]], [[Kumar Area|KA]]
| [[Outcast Company]] || Telecommunications || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Quentin Queen]] || Food || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Bolt Corporation]] || Transportation || [[Boston]], [[Maxx Area|MA]]
| [[QBCI]] || Retail || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[Skeitche Travel Corporation]] || Travel, hotel || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Bridgen Communications]] || Telecommunications || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] || Media || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Jedi Electronics]] || Electronics || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Abhpal Foods]] || Food chain, retail || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Downtown Nurture]] || Pharmaceuticals || [[Mechanicsburg]], [[Grassland Area|GA]]
| [[DuBuis Bank]] || Banking, financials || [[Lindin]], [[Snowland|SL]]
| [[Leopoldi's Foods]] || Food chain || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Mellio Life]] || Insurance || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Ragnarok Allied]] || Airline  || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Trogen Media Corporation]] || Media || [[BizTown]], [[Multi-Logan State|MLS]]
| [[Adlive Motion Pictures]] || Media || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[QUACK! Corporation]] || Media || [[Maximum City]], [[Maxx Area|MA]]
| [[McGonagall Motor Company]] || Automotive || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Remus Automotive]] || Automotive || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[TruliFresh]] || Food || [[Lindin]], [[Snowland|SL]]
| [[Brightwater Commerce Company]] || Commerce, Shipping || [[David City]], [[Tantallegara|TA]]
| [[Quana-Cola Company]] || Beverages || [[Dearnburg]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Refrazz Corporation]] || Beverages || [[Poleton]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[JP Mellio Group]] || Drugs, entertainment || [[Poleton]], [[Chip Area]]
| [[The Mukdukk]] || Drugs, entertainment || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Balibo Corporation]] || Media || [[Bakersfieldville]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Mellio Spark Energy]] || Energy || [[Rodriguezville]], [[Chip Area|CA]]
| [[Newtown Energy Corporation]] || Energy || [[Beach Haven]], [[Long Beach Island|LBI]]
| [[Corner Outlier Company]] || Apparel, retail || [[Baltimore]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Villager Publishers]] || Literature || [[Baltimore]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
| [[Ocean Trash Publishing Office]] || Literature || [[Baltimore]], [[Desert Area|DA]]
== Government and Politics ==
''Main articles: [[Federal Government of the United States of Quentin]], [[Political Issues in the United States of Quentin]], [[State Governments of the United States of Quentin]], and [[Local Governments of the United States of Quentin]]''
[[File:Quentinian_Capitol_2.jpg|250px|thumb|right|The nation's [[United States of Quentin Capitol|capitol building]], home to [[Congress of the United States of Quentin|Congress]].]][[File:Supreme Council Building of the USQ.jpg|250px|thumb|right|The [[Verrecchia Building]], home to the [[Supreme Council]].]][[File:777 Cupboard Place.png|250px|thumb|right|[[777 Cupboard Place]], the residence of the [[President of the USQ|President]].]]
The United States of Quentin is a [[Mild Republic]] and representative democracy consisting of a [[Federal Government of the United States of Quentin|federal government]] with ten state governments, making it a [[Federation|federation]]. In 2019, the nation ranked 12th on the [[International Report on Democracy]] led by the [[Venturian Union]], and was classified as a flawed democracy by the report.
In the United States of Quentin's system of [[Quasi-Federalism]], the nation has a national government, state governments, and local governments. The local governments' duties include managing [[State Districts in the USQ|districts]], which are smaller subdivisions within states which have their own representation and handle small local issues. State governments handle broader issues, and make laws for the entire state, though by law they are subordinate to the federal government, a concept at the center of Quentinian politics and one that is enforced by the [[United States of Quentin Department of State|Department of State]] and the [[Supreme Council]].
The nation's federal government, meanwhile, maintains and establishes laws for the entire nation, along with declaring war, handling foreign issues, printing currency, and funding infrastructure and other public works projects. The [[United States of Quentin Constitution|Constitution]] of the nation is the supreme law of the land, ratified in 1834, and it has been amended 24 times as of 2020. The federal government comprises three branches which are tasked with creating laws and legislation for the good of the nation, enforcing those laws and the Constitution, and providing fair and equal treatment of citizens and of the law.
These three branches are:
* Legislative: The [[Bicameralism|bicameral]] [[United States of Quentin Congress|Congress]], made up of the [[Quentinian House of Representatives|House of Representatives]] and [[House of Bureaucrats]], makes federal law, declares war, approves actions of other branches, enforces impeachment, and partially controls the funds of the nation.
* Executive: The [[President of the USQ|President]] is the head of the branch, and can veto or pass laws brought by Congress, subject to Congressional override, and can appoint members to his [[Cupboard]], an advisory board which also carries out the federal law and enforces all laws of the nation. The [[GTNEC of the USQ|GTNEC]], a position unique to the concept of a mild republic, is the second-in-command executive official, and heads all foreign diplomatic actions, partially controls treasury and funding efforts, and works closely with the President to establish and maintain the Cupboard. The executive branch also commands the military through the [[Supreme Commander of the Quentinian Armed Forces|Supreme Commander]], who reports to the [[United States of Quentin Department of Defense|Department of Defense]].
* Judicial: The [[Supreme Council]] and lower federal courts, who interpret the law to ensure equal treatment and that the law is enforced correctly, and who can reject federal legislation deemed unconstitutional. The courts have extended powers in a mild republic, with the ability to approve numerous positions and actions.
The House of Representatives is made up of 20 members, with 2 representatives from each state, who are elected for terms of two years directly by the people of their state. The House of Bureaucrats is different, however, as it includes 110 members with unequal state representation, which is determined by the Supreme Council based on wealth, population, and overall importance to the nation every 20 years. Bureaucrats are elected for terms of 6 years, however while they do represent individual states, they are elected by all citizens of the entire nation, meaning every voter in the nation votes for 110 bureaucrats. The President is not elected directly, as the [[Presidential Electoral Committee]] made up of representatives from each state casts votes for the President, though the popular vote is often taken into account. The Supreme Council consists of seven members, who are appointed by the President (with approval by Congress) and serve for life, until impeachment, or retirement.
=== Parties and Elections ===
Inside the government of the country there are 3 main political parties, who each have different beliefs and values, though the Constitution does not specify for political parties. These three parties are the [[Quentinian Environmentalist Party|Environmentalist Party]], the [[Fundamentalist Party]], and the [[Mild RePublican Party]]. The beliefs of these parties differ, as the Environmentalist Party is more of a center-left liberal party, with conservative foreign views, the Mild RePublican Party more of a center-right conservative party, and the Fundamentalist Party a center-left hybrid, with domestic views tending to be more liberal, and economic views tending to be more conservative. In political culture, Environmentalists are considered more "communist" and "liberal," while Fundamentalists are considered more "economic oriented" and "aggressive" in foreign policy, while Mild RePublicans are often considered "conservative," "federal-oriented," and "traditionalist" in foreign policy.
Other minor parties include the [[Freelance Party]], the [[Quentinian Globalist Party|Globalist Party]], and the [[Reciprocal Party]]. The Freelance Party was at its peak popularity in the late 1800s when it challenged the big 3, but has since declined in popularity along with the other two, only having one seat in the House of Representatives. Consistently throughout history the Mild RePublican Party has had the most candidates in office, however the Fundamentalist and Environmentalist parties have always won enough races to keep the government from being too one sided.
Currently the House of Representatives is controlled by the Mild RePublican Party, consisting of ten Mild RePublicans, seven Fundamentalists, two Environmentalists, and one Freelancer. The House of Bureaucrats is controlled by the Fundamentalist Party, with 68 Fundamentalists, 34 Mild RePublicans,[[File:USQ States with Flags, Map.png|300px|thumb|right|The states of the USQ, along with state flags]] and 8 Environmentalists. In state governorships, there are currently four Mild RePublicans, three Fundamentalists, two Environmentalists, and one Freelancer.
=== Political Subdivisions ===
There are currently 10 [[States of the United States of Quentin|states]] in the USQ, along with four [[Territories of the United States of Quentin|federal territories]]. These are the primary political subdivisions of the nation, though within these territories and states there are numerous [[Territories of the United States of Quentin#Territorial Towns|territorial towns]], state districts, and independent cities which further divide the nation for political and administrative purposes. These subdivisions have their own local governments, usually with different forms of a legislature and an executive figure, and often have laws that differ from other areas of the nation. All areas must abide by the [[United States of Quentin Constitution|Constitution]], however, and all people born in the states and territories are citizens, though territorial citizens cannot vote for [[Congress of the United States of Quentin|Congress]].
== Foreign Relations and Armed Forces ==
=== Foreign Relations ===
''Main article: [[Foreign Relations of the United States of Quentin]]''. ''See also: [[Countries with an Official Quentinian Embassy]], [[Countries with an Official Embassy in the USQ]], and [[Micronation]]''
Historically, the United States of Quentin has had good relations with most of the countries in [[Venturia]], and historically has acted as a mediator, attempting to work out conflicts from different sides.
However, today there are some countries with which the USQ has strained relations, and these include the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] as well as [[Mortification]] and [[Gallanathia]], close allies of the MTO, the [[United Villages of Southia]], especially for their support of the [[Hei Hei Hatvists]], [[Paladinia]], the [[Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic]], and the [[Northern Patrons of Ice]].
The USQ has many close allies, too, many of which are a part of an alliance the USQ is a part of, called the [[Asperian Trade and Defense Organization]]. These countries include [[Ravensonia]], [[Carkhia]], the [[Protectorates of Allia]], [[Docneighland]], and [[Xevenia]], and more recently, the [[Iridium Coast]]. The USQ also has relatively close ties with [[New Sketherlands]], who is an observer of ATADO, [[New Dawn]], [[Lindsaya]], [[Telembria]], and the [[Isle of Southia]]. As is true with most of the countries in [[Venturia]], the USQ is a part of the [[Venturian Union]], and is one of the leading members there, being the only nation to be the permanent head nation of all three main bureaus. The USQ also has other trade deals and defensive pacts besides ATADO, including the [[MRN Trade Agreement]], [[Shared Waters Pact]], and the [[Allian-Quentinian Close Interest Agreement]], among others.
=== Military ===
[[Military of the United States of Quentin]] is, today, one of the most powerful in the world. Unlike the militaries of other countries, the USQ's military is united under the [[Supreme Commander of the Quentinian Armed Forces|Supreme Commander]] and [[United States of Quentin Department of Defense|Department of Defense]], although it does have different branches, being the [[Quentinian Army|Army]], [[Quentinian Navy|Navy]], [[Quentinian Air Force|Air Force]], [[Quentinian Space Force|Space Force]], [[Starkkae Corps]], and [[Fort McCarthy Defense Force]]. The Supreme Commander directs not just one, but all branches, and reports back to the DOD. As of 2018, the armed forces has over 2 million active troops, with the Department of Defense overseeing their operations along with the Supreme Commander and various branch commanders, who are members of the [[Quentinian Defense Committee]]. When it comes to military philosophy, the USQ generally does not attack unless directly attacked, though this has morphed throughout the years, and today only members of the [[Quentinian Environmentalist Party|Environmentalist Party]] uphold this doctrine to the letter, with the [[Mild RePublican Party]]'s philosophy being to defend the nation's borders as well as assets, and the [[Fundamentalist Party]] philosophy being to attack when beneficial to the security and prosperity of the nation. The nation spends around Ð45 billion ($450 billion) per year on the military, and although the nation continues in an ongoing fight with the [[Hei Hei Hatvists]] terrorist group, it is not currently involved in any official wars.
== Law Enforcement and Crime ==
''Main articles: [[Law Enforcement in the United States of Quentin]], [[Crime in the United States of Quentin]]''. ''See also: [[Criminal Trial in the United States of Quentin]]''
Law enforcement in the country is upheld and carried out primarily by the local and state governments of the nation, with some involvement from federal agencies which operate to enforce broader and more serious laws. These federal agencies include the [[Fort McCarthy Defense Force]], though it is a part of the military, the [[Quentinian Intelligence Department]], and the [[United States of Quentin Department of Law Enforcement|Department of Law Enforcement]], specifically the [[Central Agency of Investigative Law]] (CAIL). The largest police agency in the nation, aside from federal agencies, is the [[Capital Area Police Department]], which enforces the law in the capital city of [[Mechanicsburg]] and the surrounding areas near the shores of the [[Logan River]]. The nation's legal system operates under the system of [[Common Law|common law]], meaning courts establish precedence of the law, and local, state, and federal courts operate within the nation, corresponding to certain crimes committed.
The United States of Quentin is generally recognized as safe, with the [[Venturian Union Committee on Crime]] (VUCC) identifying the country as a medium-high level crime nation. The nation is home to the largest gang activity in the world, especially in the [[Chip Area]] and the [[Multi-Logan State]], however due to actions by the government and law enforcement in the early 1900's, some activities of gangs in these states are considered legal, and since the [[CA Substance Legality Act]], violent crimes by these organizations have dropped significantly. As a result of legalization, however, the USQ has one of the highest drug use rates in the world, and often wars between gangs in the CA and MLS can turn violent. The highest crime rates in the USQ are continually in the CA and MLS respectively, with the [[Kumar Area]] and [[Tantallegara]] following behind. The United States of Quentin has a murder rate of 4.16, lower than the rate of many countries of similar size. Its suicide rate is regarded as average, at 8.6 per 100,000 people, with most suicides occurring in the [[Chip Area]] and [[Desert Area]].
[[Capital Punishment in the United States of Quentin|Capital punishment in the country]] is legal under the [[United States of Quentin Constitution|Constitution]], with the [[Fourth Amendment to the United States of Quentin Constitution|4th Amendment]] establishing the legality of the punishment in cases of high crimes. Although capital punishment is reserved for treason, mass murder, mass indecency (referring to mass rape, sexual violation, or other inhumane actions), mass torture, and mass destruction, the topic is controversial in the nation. The 4th Amendment was actually repealed in 1916 by the [[Fourteenth Amendment to the United States of Quentin Constitution|14th amendment]], but was reinstated by the [[Twenty-Fourth Amendment to the United States of Quentin Constitution|24th amendment]] in 2017, the most recent amendment to the document. State and local crimes are never involved in capital punishment, however [[Snowland]] and the [[Maxx Area]] in particular have repeatedly attempted to put forth requests or contradicting laws on the subject, attempting to outlaw capital punishment. On all occasions, however, the [[Quentinian Department of State|Department of State]] has rejected or opposed the proposals, and no state today can carry out capital punishment. Other punishments in the country include fines and jail time, with the [[Fifteenth Amendment to the United States of Quentin Constitution|15th Amendment]] explicitly banning other cruel punishments. The United States of Quentin has an incarceration rate of 131 per 100,000 people, and its total prison population is 1,310,000, the third largest number in the world due to its large population. Incarceration rate is the highest in the [[Chip Area]], with a rate of 987 per 100,000 people, and [[Long Beach Island]] had the lowest, with a rate of 295 per 100,000. Among federal territories, [[J.P. Island]] has the highest rate, and the [[Kade Islands]] has the lowest.
== Culture ==
The USQ has a diverse and interesting culture, including numerous holidays along with movies, art, literature, food, and sports. Although the nation did originate from the [[Republic of Megatridimensional Order]] many have recognized that the country's culture is vastly different in comparison to the MTO, which may have originated from the sense of independence and desire to completely be recognized as a different nation after the revolution, both politically and culturally. The state of [[Snowland]], however, still retains some remnants of Megatridimensional culture, much more than other regions, with a larger number in that state following [[Trinitism]], the Order's main religion, as well as celebrating numerous Order holidays and traditions.
After the two wars in the mid-1800's with [[Punctinaturalland]], the USQ fully absorbed the lands into their nation. As can be expected, this resulted in heightened cultural diversity from the MTO-like culture that had prevailed in the nation for the past 30 years, and this can still be seen today in the south-western parts of the nation, especially [[The Chip Area]], [[The Multi-Logan State]] and [[Tantallegara]]. Some main differences include values and traditions, along with bringing in popular new cuisines from the old country. Indeed, most of the beverages the USQ is so associated with today originated and became popular in these areas. Another crucial difference is laws in the south-west, which are extremely lenient on things such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other activities compared to other part of the nation.
The central part of the country, which includes [[The Desert Area]], [[The Grassland Area]], and [[The Maxx Area]], have developed a culture truly unique to the nation, and while it takes from many other cultures, including the Order and Punctinaturalland, it is mainly unique in their values, traditions, holidays, recreation, cuisine, etc. While the other regions certainly contribute greatly to the Quentinian culture, and are unique in their own ways, the central part of the USQ is truly where all the identities combine, and become one.
=== Holidays ===
The holidays listed below are holidays nationally recognized by the federal government, and days off from work and school are given for. Listed below those are other celebrations and festivities that take place in the nation, but are not federally recognized.
January 1st: [[Quentinian Inauguration Day|Inauguration Day]], [[New Year's Day]][[File:New Year's Pumpkin Smashing.JPG|200px|thumb|right|A Quentinian girl smashes a pumpkin as part of a [[New Year's Day]] tradition]]
January 7th: [[Quentinian Independence Day|Independence Day]]
January 31st: [[Constitution Ratification Day]]
March 15th: [[Quentinian Unification Day|Unification Day]]
April 20th-26th: [[Quentinian Easter Week|Easter Week]]
April 19th: [[Recreation Day]]
July 1st: [[Allies Day]]
August 5th: [[Occupation Day]]
August 30th: [[Quentinian Defense Day|Defense Day]]
October 16th: [[Quentinian Memorial Day|Memorial Day]]
October 17th: [[Founders Remembrance Day]]
November 4th-11th: [[National Political Week]]
December 7th: [[Quentinian Election Day|Election Day]]
December 25th: [[Quentinian Christmas Day|Christmas Day]]
'''Non-Federally Recognized Celebrations:'''
January 14th: [[Three Day]]
February 2nd: [[Kindy Day]]
March 19th: [[Quentinian Ethnicity Day|Ethnicity Day]]
April 20th: [[Crossover (holiday)|Crossover]]
June 17th-29th: [[Yawm Datiin]]
October 7th: [[Night of the Breadbakeesdekline]]
November 10th: [[Venturia Day]]
December 13th: [[Balansdag]]
=== Sports ===
The USQ has a number of unique sports, as well as a number of recreational events and competitions. The main and most popular sport in the country is [[roofball]], with the most popular professional league being the [[Quentinian Roofball Organization]]. The championship game of the league is the [[QRO Champions Cup]], which is watched by millions internationally every year. The second and third most popular sports in the nation, in no particular order, are [[vehementiaball]] and [[Oceanic Body Sports]] (obs), both unique Quentinian sports, played in the [[United Vehementiaball League]] and the [[Oceanic Body Sports Association]]. These are watched by many millions as well, and the [[OBS Quentinian National Championship]] and [[Leidigh Bowl]] rival the Champions Cup in viewership, as the sports are spaced out in different seasons.
These three main sports are followed by another sport, the [[Quentinian Quadrathameet]], which is very popular especially among college sports fans. There are no professional leagues for the quadrathameet, however individual professionals or collegiate athletes compete in competitions organized by such organizations as the [[Quentinian University Association of Collegiate Athletes|QUACA]] and [[National Quadrathameet Committee]]. These include the [[Super Quadrathameet]], which is the largest tournament, held once every 4 years. Because of this duration between events, the Super Quadrathameet often draws more spectators and viewers than other championship games in the nation.
Besides these four sports which originated in the nation and which are the most popular, other sports like [[football]] and [[trenchball]] from the [[Megatridimensional Order]] are played, as well as [[gridiron]], and [[bucketball]] from [[Paladinia]]. The [[Sidus Dei Ludos]] have been held in the USQ numerous times as well, and the USQ Sidus Dei Ludos team has historically excelled in both the winter and summer SDL. Having actually started the modern SDL in the early 1900s, Quentinians turn out very well for them, and it is certainly one of the main sporting events of the year. Cycling is another sport which did not begin in the USQ, but has become extremely popular in the country. The [[Quentinian Cycling Association]] (QCYA) sets up numerous events around the year, however the most popular and most professional event is the [[Quentinian Cycling Competitive League]] (QUE-CYCLE), a fall tournament for Quentinian bicyclers. In addition, the [[United States of Quentin Cycling Team]] is one of the best in the world at the [[Sidus Dei Ludos]], and the [[World Championship of Cycling]] organized by the [[Federation of International Cycling]] (FICY) also has a high Quentinian turnout.
=== Cinema ===
''See main article: [[List of Highest-Grossing Quentinian Films]]''
When motion picture started becoming popular in the early 1900's, the USQ was not very involved in the making of those movies. However, after the [[Greater Venturian War]], the USQ experienced what is called the [[United States of Quentin Age of Culture]] from the 1950's to the late '80's, rocketing to the forefront of the movie industry. Today, the industry is still buzzing with activity in the country, and a number of cinematic awards are held in the USQ, including the [[Quentinian Best Awards]], the [[QUECA's]], and the [[Actor's Best Awards]]. The top 15 Quentinian movies in terms of box office are listed below, adjusted for inflation.
1. ''[[Independence (film)|Independence]]'' (1963): Ð177,956,019 ($1,779,560,190)
2. ''[[M.O.D.S. III: Vengeance Day]]'' (2017): Ð169,543,218 ($1,695,432,180)
3. ''[[George E. Firedawn, 1979]]'' (1979): Ð136,899,777 ($1,368,997,770)
4. ''[[Good Hope: Starlight]]'' (2017): Ð135,498,696 ($1,354,986,967)
5. ''[[M.O.D.S.]]'' (2002): Ð130,102,569 ($1,301,025,690)
6. ''[[Humakavula: Dark Shadows]]'' (2019): Ð129,678,996 ($1,296,789,960)
7. ''[[Chronicles of Noir]]'' (2020): Ð125,678,900 ($1,256,789,000)
8. ''[[Election Day, 2077]]'' (2018): Ð119,782,963 ($1,197,829,630)
9. ''[[M.O.D.S. II: The Reciprocator]]'' (2013): Ð110,324,100 ($1,103,241,000)
10. ''[[Jaron Stevens]]'' (1983): Ð109,678,230 ($1,096,782,300)
Major movie producing companies in the nation include [[Trogen Motion Picture Studios]], [[Adlive Motion Pictures]], [[Dawn and Robbie Productions]], and [[QUACK! Studios|QUACK!]].
=== Television ===
Television is extremely popular in the United States of Quentin, with the main broadcasting networks in the country being the [[Diamond Television Network]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]], and the [[Founders Sports Network]]. Other smaller television networks include the [[Laje Media Corporation]] and the [[Tennomore Broadcasting System]]. The USQ leads the world in television production, and currently millions of Quentinians watch the networks everyday. These networks have also expanded onto the [[Megaconn]], with services such as [[DTN MegaconnTV]], [[QBC Stream Channels]], and [[Affiliates Live]].
Television shows have been popular in the country since the [[Quentinian Age of Culture]] beginning in the 1960's, and today television production is still extremely strong, across many genres and channels. Below are two lists, one being the most popular shows by viewers, and the most popular current shows by viewers.
Most Popular Quentinian Television Shows by Viewers (All-Time):
1. [[Carol's Baskets]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (1969-1983)
2. [[Cafe Double Life]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (1976-1985)
3. [[Ants and Politics]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2013-Present)
4. [[Pockets (television series)|Pockets]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (1994-1999)
5. [[Conan O'Haldeman Show]], [[Laje Media Corporation]] (1996-2017)
6. [[Beers (television series)|Beers]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (1971-1980)
7. [[The Workplace]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2004-2009)
8. [[Major Pain]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (1994-2000)
9. [[Mikhail Jay Fax]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (1976-2015)
10. [[Great Bratton]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (1987-2001)
Most Popular Quentinian Television Shows by Viewers (Present)
1. [[Ants and Politics]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2013-Present)
2. [[Sit Up]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (2017-Present)
3. [[Hijacking Spring]], [[Tennomore Broadcasting System]] (2010-Present)
4. [[Locked Home]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2014-Present)
5. [[Stranger's Wings]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (2015-Present)
6. [[Game of Phones]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2008-Present)
7. [[Murder in Savannah]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2016-Present)
8. [[E-A-E-A]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (2007-Present)
9. [[The Hood Place]], [[Diamond Television Network]] (2019-Present)
10. [[Jamie-Wendy]], [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (2013-Present)
=== Video Games ===
''See also: [[List of Best-Selling Quentinian Video Games]]''
Video games are extremely popular in the USQ, and the country is one of the two leading nations in the gaming world, along with the [[Megatridimensional Order]]. The USQ has less prominence in creating and developing the software and hardware of video games, though the country has much more prominence in creating the actual games and features which are put on the consoles. Major Quentinian companies involved in the software and hardware of the video game industry include [[Kumar Industries]] and its console the [[K-AXE]], [[Shah Enterprises]] and its console the [[Quandex]], as well as electronics company [[Jedi Electronics]], which provides lots of hardware for gaming consoles in the country. Major creative companies in the gaming world of the USQ include [[Cactus Nine]], the [[Balibo Corporation]], [[Maximum Games]], [[Madden Studios]], [[Assassin New World Media]], and [[Civilization Entertainment]].
As stated, video game production in the USQ is widespread, and the games produced by the country have a major impact on the world. Of the top 50 games of all time, 39 had major Quentinian involvement. Below are the top ten Quentinian games of all time, by numbers of copies sold. Also listed is the date the game was first released, the studio by which it was created, and platforms.
1. ''[[Ascendancy's Expulsion]]'', [[Balibo Corporation]] (1986, computer)
2. ''[[Humanity (video game)|Humanity]]'', [[Cactus Nine]] (2011, multi-platform)
3. ''[[Creed: Boboddy]]'', [[Assassin New World Media]] (2009, multi-platform)
4. ''[[Paul Leidigh Roofball]]'', [[Madden Studios]] (1990, computer)
5. ''[[Fort McCarthy Bloodshed]]'', [[Maximum Games]] (2013, multi-platform)
6. ''[[Creed: Cartwheels]]'', [[Assassin New World Media]] (2015, multi-platform)
7. ''[[Coronavirus]]'', [[Cactus Nine]] (2019, multi-platform)
8. ''[[Gods: Triple Alliance]]'', [[Civilization Entertainment]] (2018, multi-platform)
9. ''[[Justin Tucker IX: Elite]]'', [[Maximum Games]] (2016, multi-platform)
10. ''[[Creed: Boboddy II]]'', [[Assassin New World Media]] (2020, multi-platform)
=== Music ===
While in the USQ there is not as distinct a musical culture as in other countries, the USQ has somewhat established a musical identity in the past 30 years, especially in the [[United States of Quentin Age of Culture]] from the 1950's through '80's. The USQ holds a number of annual music awards, including the [[Quentinian Best Awards]] and the [[Myers Music Awards]]. Below, the top 10 best selling Quentinian songs of all time are listed, adjusted for inflation.
1. [[Breeze of September]], by [[Rain Eddies]] (1958)
2. [[Defense of Greatness]], by [[The Chantpions]], (1989)
3. [[Farming and Fishing]], by [[L.A.B.]], (2011)
4. [[Town]], by [[Aaron Peachey]] and [[Laura Fisher]], (1962)
5. [[Poleton Midnight Streets]], by [[Paige Quentata]], (1997)
6. [[The Theater on My Mind]], by [[Aaron Peachey]], (1957)
7. [[USQ National Anthem]], by [[Steven Myers]], (1838)
8. [[Orchestration]], by [[The Chantpions]], (1982)
9. [[Port Jaron]], by [[L.A.B.]], (2016)
10. [[Big Kindy]], by [[The Chantpions]], (1999)
=== Food and Drink ===
The USQ has a number of distinct and unique dishes and cuisines. In general the food in the country is mostly grain and wheat based, which is grown majorly in the country, as well as incorporating numerous fruits or fruit based ingredients as well. One staple of Quentinian cuisine is the [[Galvyande Plat]]. The dish is either one or multiple balls of baked dough, stuffed with fruit jam ([[Refraberries]], raspberries, or blueberries) or ham and cheese. It was started in the mid-1800's, when the country was just getting started, and quickly became extremely popular in the years to come. Another staple dish of the culture is the [[Kindichute]], a long, baked bread loaf. It is baked until crispy, then loaded with melted cheese and meats such as ham or beef, then sealed in all openings. This dish was first created after the [[Quentinian War for Independence]] was won, and was popular throughout the 19th century, but really entered mainstream Quentinian culture and became widely recognized in the late 1900's, in the time of the Quentinian Age of Culture. The Kindichute is traditionally served with [[Potato Chips]]. Generally, many of the dishes in Quentinian cuisine, including those two dishes, are well seasoned with salt.
A fruit called a refraberry, as mentioned above, is the most recognized fruit in relation to the nation, mainly because the berries grow in large quantities only in the USQ, and they're used in many dishes. If you traveled to the country, you would probably not be able to go a few miles, even in some cities, without seeing refraberries growing.
Dessert is also a large part of Quentinian meals, and one main dessert is called ice cream. Ice cream is made by combining milk and cream, along with sugars for sweetening and some sort of flavoring, (Mint is a popular one, along with vanilla and refraberry) then freezing the combination. After a while, the combination is taken out of freezing, and put into containers. Once the frozen substance arrives at wherever it is to be eaten, it is kept frozen, and is sometimes served as is, frozen. However, it can also be let to melt and turn into a cool liquid, then served, and in the country, both are popular, with the former being referred to as just ice cream, and the latter being referred to as Nome style ice cream. 
While the USQ does have a number of dishes and desserts that are unique, noteworthy, and distinct, the nation is especially known for their beverages, which are consumed heavily in the USQ and also internationally, appearing in dozens of movies and being closely associated with the USQ. Some main and popular alcoholic beverages include [[Filiqaverre]], [[Goutêt]], and [[Tueuer de Tristesse]], or more commonly known as a TDT. These beverages were made in the mid 1800's, but became recognized and consumed worldwide in the late 1800's and early 1900's, during a period in the country known as the [[Golden Age of Gangs]], and usually what comes to mind when thinking of the drinks is gangs and the [[Chip Area]]. Besides these alcoholic beverages, the nation also produces many famous non-alcoholic beverages, including [[Fraiten]] and [[Verrendi]], as well as two of the most popular soda brands in the world, [[Refrazz]] and [[Quana-Cola]].
=== Literature and Architecture ===
''See also: [[List of Top Selling Books]]''
The USQ has had a rich history of literature, and it has contributed greatly to the culture of the nation. Today, the country is still the leader in literature, and many of the world's best writers are Quentinian. The top 10 best selling Quentinian books of all time are listed below.
1. [[The Taker]], [[Jonathan Cradams]] (1971)
2. [[MechEcs: The 1954 Mechanicsburg Situation]], [[Deven Ratterspark]] (2003)
3. [[Devoc's History of the United States of Quentin]], [[Alexander Devoc]] (1978)
4. [[A Boarder Story]], [[Carles Pherson]] (1985)
5. [[Jackson Xavan]], [[Noskakx Navax]] (2007)
6. [[Devoc's History of a Truckload of Stuff]], Alexander Devoc (1981)
7. [[Trip to the Middle]] (1993)
8. [[Where the Tide Falls]], [[Sammie Lutz]] (1908)
9. [[Big House of the Nukikil Mountains]], [[Sue Jarlackson]] (1994)
10. [[The Inside... Of Everything]], [[Myrell Pines]] (1968)
Of these, 9 of the 10 are in the [[List of Best-Selling Books|Top 10 of the World]], (With the [[Bible]] at #1) and of the top 50 books in the world, 42 are written by Quentinian authors.
''See also: [[National Monuments of the United States of Quentin]]''
Unlike books and literature, the USQ is not at all renowned for producing great works of art or sculptures, however the country is world renowned and famous for its architecture and man-made attractions. While it is hard to compile a list of these attractions and buildings, nonetheless a list of the top 20 architectural attractions in the USQ is below, based upon numbers of visitors.
== Corporations and Mass Media ==
''Main article: [[Media in the United States of Quentin]]''
In the United States of Quentin, there are numerous types of mass media, including [[television]], [[newspapers]], the [[Megaconn]] and [[radio]]. The most prominent of these means of communication is the television, a world industry in which the USQ leads nearly every other country. Its two main broadcasting networks, the [[Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation]] (QBC) and the [[Diamond Television Network]] (DTN) are two of the most popular in the world, with numerous channels reaching hundreds of millions of viewers all told. The [[Founders Sports Network]] (FSN) is the most popular sports television network in the world, broadcasting numerous sports along with other major broadcasters and having numerous programs devoted to sports analysis and content. Finally, the [[Laje Media Corporation]] (LJMC) and the [[Tennomore Broadcasting System]] (TBS) are two of the smaller networks on television in the nation, and numerous other programs can be found on cable television.
The number of radio stations in the nation is also very high, with nearly 11,231 FM and AM stations around the USQ. Of these, 1,340 are public broadcasting systems, run by universities or the government to educate or announce public messages. The rest are commercial, with the [[Tennomore Broadcasting System]] (TBS) being the largest radio corporation in the world, owning and operating nearly 1,000 of these stations. The rest are small local stations which focus on local topics and news, or are music stations run by music companies or other local music personnel. The [[Founders Sports Network]] (FSN) also controls a small number of these stations, reporting and analyzing local sports and national sports, as well as featuring audio of their television programs on some radio stations.
As a world leader in literature, the United States of Quentin also has some of the most read newspapers in the world, including the ''[[Quentinian Gazette]]'', the ''[[Maximum City Tribune]]'', the ''[[Bakersfieldville Times]]'', ''[[Mechanicsburg Gazette]]'', and ''[[Beach Haven Times]]'' to name a few of the most popular. There are also several varieties of newspapers as well, with major sports newspapers including ''[[National Sports Daily]]'', major comic and entertainment magazines including ''[[Founders Belt Consumer Magazine]]'' and ''[[Mellio Life Daily]]'', and major political newspapers including the ''[[National Political Observer]]'', the ''[[Triple Gazette]]'', ''[[The Tough Opinion]]'', and ''[[The Vindicator]]''. Most of these newspapers run independently, however companies like the [[Mellio Life Corporation]] run some chains of newspapers. Due to the rise of the [[Megaconn]], many newspapers found profits hard to come by in the late 20th century, however papers have adjusted since then, moving articles online and adding exclusive articles and interviews. Political newspapers such as the ones listed above have even adopted television channels as well as channels on [[Affiliates Live]] streaming, to further distribute information and their content.
The most popular Megaconn companies based in the United States of Quentin include [[VentureWiki]], [[Megaseries]], [[DoubleBCast]], [[Awhell]], [[Stevensmart]], and [[HOBBIT]]. Most media is in [[Farmine]], however a good amount of media can also be found in [[English]], especially in [[Snowland]] or the [[Maxx Area]] and on the Megaconn where it is the dominant language worldwide. Overall, major television, radio, newspapers, and other media offer bilingual options across the USQ. Other media can be found in [[New Zwakazian]], the third most used language in the nation.

Latest revision as of 19:16, 5 October 2023

The United States of Quentin
Flag of The United States of Quentin Coat of Arms of The United States of Quentin
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "If All Else Fails, Defer to the People"
Anthem: "Liberty in the Noise"
Location of The United States of Quentin
Area 9,984,670km2
Highest point Mount Kindikil 4.7 Miles
Longest river Logan River
Population 1 Billion
• Growth 0.2%/year
Median age 37.7 years
Demonym Quentinians
Declared Independence from the MTO: January 7th, 1823
Constitution Ratified: January 31st, 1834
Capital Mechanicsburg
Official language Farmine
Type Quasi-Federal Mild Republic
Legislature Congress
Upper: House of Bureaucrats
Lower: House of Representatives
President: Clint Toll
GTNEC: Gretchen DeArmant
Head Bureaucrat: Pete Fischer
Supreme Decider: Sue Jevic
States and Territories: States:
Chip Area
Desert Area
Grassland Area
Kahoot Area
Kumar Area
Long Beach Island
Maxx Area
Multi-Logan State
JP Island
Kade Islands
Raven Islands
Currency DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
GDP Ð2.235 Trillion ($22.35 Trillion)
• Per capita Ð2,235 ($22,350)
• Growth 3.7%/year

13% Agriculture
34% Industry
53% Services

Unemployment 6.3%
Life expectancy 80.3 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99.9%
Enrollment 91.97%
• Primary 99.9%
• Secondary 98.3%
• Tertiary 77.7%
Measures DuBuis System
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
ISO code USQ
Internet TLD .nwd
Time Zones VST+2 (Asperian Central Standard Time)
VST+3 (Asperian Gulf Standard Time)
VST+4 (Tennomore Standard Time)
Calling code +7

The United States of Quentin, also referred to as the USQ or simply Quentinia, is the second largest nation in Venturia in terms of population and land area. Situated in East Asper, the nation borders the Republic of Megatridimensional Order to the south, and numerous bodies of water, including the Sea of Stratigeo, Brightwater Gulf, and the Lankanata Ocean. The nation is made up of ten states, along with four federal territories, and is governed by its Constitution, ratified in 1834. The nation's federal government is made up of the Supreme Council, Congress, and executive branch, with the current President being Kyle Lovestington. The nation's current capital is Mechanicsburg, and the nation has a population of nearly 1 billion.

The first settlers in the area where the USQ would be formed came from the Megatridimensional Order, a young nation recently formed from Telembria in the 1790's. These settlers went further north than others as a part of the Quentinian Party, and formed the Territories of Quentin, a territory of the new nation. The Territories would not be recognized by the MTO as a state, and numerous taxes in early 1800's led to the Quentinian War for Independence, where the nation won its independence. This led to the nation ratifying the Constitution in 1834, creating the new federal government. The Founders Conflict raged for a few years in the 1840's, however overall the new nation vigorously expanded their territories and industrialized its economy in the early 1800's, and fought wars with Punctinaturalland later on.

Late in the 1800's, a part of the nation seceded, and after the Logan War of Secession the new nation of Mayberry Logan was formed, and the Quentin-Logan Border War was fought afterwards. In the late 1800's the nation became one of the world's forefront economies, until the Great Venturian War in 1900, wherein the USQ joined the Anti-Expansionist Alliance, and was defeated by the Righteousness Pact. Despite the loss, the USQ experienced a period of more rapid growth and prosperity in the 1920's, attempting to settle Zwakazi territories and expand its military. In 1925 the Greater Venturian War began, and despite efforts to stay out of the war, the nation fought in 1928. After victory in the war, the USQ became the world's greatest nation in economics, military, and culture, and the 1950's through 1980's are recognized as a period of great dominance for the nation, establishing the Venturian Union and dominating world affairs with the absence of the Megatridimensional Order.

Today the United States of Quentin still maintains a dominant place in world affairs, however the end of the Megatridimensional Civil War and other global factors have caused a shift in power to other nations. The USQ currently has the second greatest GDP in the world at $22.35 trillion, using the DIG System as its currency. A Mild RePublic, the nation is one of three head nations on the Venturian Union Security Bureau, Venturian Union Legislative Congress, and Venturian Union Economic Bureau, and is the only nation in the world to be a permanent member of all three. It also has numerous alliances worldwide, including the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization, is a highly developed nation, a nuclear power, and has the second largest military in the world. It is a cultural, scientific, and economic leader worldwide.


Venturia Timeline

Territorial Years and Independence

What is today known as the United States of Quentin, or the USQ for short, was first explored by the Republic of Megatridimensional Order in 1798, and in 1 short year became a territory of the MTO. The territory quickly grew, and in 1810 held 2.6 million people. It was a flourishing territory, and brought a lot of money and food to the MTO, although they would still not grant the territory statehood. In 1803, the MTO reached an agreement called The Bost Agreement, which did not grant the territories statehood, however gave them the freedom to establish a territorial government, called The Territorial Assembly.

In 1805 again the territories demanded statehood, and in March peaceful protesters marched along Mechanicsburg's streets. The MTO reacted differently to these demands than in 1800, though, and sent in The Order Guard to arrest the protesters. Then, in 1807, the MTO government passed the Citrus Trade Tax, which increased taxes on fruits and vegetables entering the territory. The Quentinians protested, however were quickly silenced out of fear of the Order Guard. In 1809 the MTO, perhaps encouraged by the fear of the populous, passed The Fish, Steak, and Pork Acts of 1809. This time, the whole country seemed to be in an uproar, and they were enraged. From the period of 1811-1813, the Quentinians staged The Territorial Tax Protests, which were a series of destructive protests in the Territories. One such protest in 1812 even managed to set fire to the MTO Territorial Minister, Grimoire Revere's house, after which the Order Guard arrested everyone involved they could find. Around this time, the Territorial Assembly also passed numerous laws dictating how many Order Guards there could be per city, how much money the MTO could tax the Quentinians, and the number of goods allowed to be exported to the states.

In 1818, the MTO put their foot down on the Territories. First, they declared the Territorial Assembly to be illegal, since the Quentinians had broken the Bost Agreement by protesting. Secondly, they passed The Mechanical Goods Act, which declared that firearms and gunpowder would be banned in the territories, and that mechanical goods and factories would have their taxes raised. This enraged the Quentinians even further, which meant more protests and such. Finally, all the tension sparked and exploded in The Mocking Day Incident in 1820. The incident was the last straw for the Quentinians, and later that year a secret Territorial Assembly meeting was held, where the delegates agreed to begin secret work on a document declaring the Territories independent from the MTO. The document was to be written by Knile Hufflepuff. During this time, the Territorial Assembly also organized an army to fight off any resistance from the MTO, and smuggled in weapons and ammunition from The Protectorates of Allia, all in secret. Finally, in 1823, the Quentinian Declaration of Independence was released. The MTO was not happy out this, and demanded the Quentinians retract the Declaration. However, when they did not, the MTO immediately started mobilizing troops and guns to fight the rebels. The Quentinian War for Independence had started. After a fight lasting 7 years, and the eventual involvement of Allia in the war, the Quentinians won, and in 1830 was officially recognized as a country by the MTO.

The United States of Quentin Constitution

After the war was over, the new country needed to decide on a form of government. So, in August of 1831, two delegates from each new state, the Maxx Area, Snowland, the Desert Area, and the Grassland Area came to Mechanicsburg to discuss the writing of a new Constitution. They discussed and debated until September of 1833, when it got the go ahead by every delegate except George Penswill of Snowland. Finally, after seeing Penswill was not able to be reasoned with, Snowland replaced him, and finally writing could commence. It was written, and on January 31st, 1834 it was ratified by the last state, Snowland, and The Constitution of the United States of Quentin became official.

The Punctin Wars

In the mid 1800s, the new country was looking to grow, acquire new resources, and gain wealth. To do that, they looked to expand. However, the nation of Punctinaturalland was in the way of that. So, in 1835, the USQ declared war on Punctinaturalland in the Early Punctin War. After two years, the USQ surrendered. In The Treaty of Commitment nothing really happened, except for peace. After the war, however, the USQ negotiated a deal called The Southern Maxx-Von Zig Deal. The deal is today largely viewed as a major blunder for Punctinaturalland, as it gave the USQ a huge chunk of land that today is the states of The Multi-Logan State, part of The Desert Area, and Tantallegara for only $1.6 million.

After the loss to Punctinaturalland, the USQ increased their military rapidly from 1835 to 1860, vowing never to lose that bad again. In 1862, the military got its chance to prove itself as Punctinaturalland declared war on the USQ in the Final Punctin Wars. This came after the USQ built Fort Byinlarge near the border, and passed numerous tariffs against them. This time, the USQ was ready, and after 1 year, the war ended in victory for the USQ with The Treaty of Nine. In the Treaty, the USQ gained Long Beach Island and the Kahoot Area. The treaty also made Punctinaturalland give many trade and economic benefits to the USQ, which gave them a ton of wealth. Alternatively, though, Punctinaturalland went downhill economically, almost going broke in 1864.

That's why, in 1865, a large part of Punctinaturalland declared itself independent from the rest of Punctinaturalland. The government wouldn't have it, and from 1866-1868 the Punctinaturalland Civil War was fought. The rebels eventually won with economic help from the USQ, and in 1872, after 6 years of sovereignty and another year as a territory, opted to join the USQ as its seventh state, the Chip Area. The rest of Punctinaturalland was extremely poor by this point, and most people made less than 2 cents a month. In 1870, the USQ decided to seize on the unhappiness of the Punctinaturalland population and declared Punctinaturalland to be a part of the USQ. The government made no reaction to the declaration until 1871, when they declared Punctinaturalland dissolved and ceded to the USQ.

The Late 1800s

In the late 1800s, after The Founders Conflict, with plenty of land and a strong economic structure, the USQ started to change from being a young, rebel country to rising in the world. Economically they were ranked among the highest countries in the world, and also produced a ton of food products. In the late 1800s, coal also became a big industry as factories started taking over the world, and the USQ had a lot of coal. At one point, the USQ accounted for around 65% of the world's coal production. The age of invention was also there by the time, and the USQ was right in the thick of it. One notable USQ innovator was B.T. DuBuis, a factory owner who also invented many military creations, including tanks, new firearms and the first ever airplane. DuBuis also funded The DuBuis Peace Conference, held over three days in 1885 and hosted by the USQ. Another was Al Chepdore, who invented the USQ's most popular candy company, The Cheppy Candy Company.

Also, in 1875 a part of southern Quentin seceded from the rest of the country, disgruntled by what they saw as no government authority or ability for the government to be decisive. They called the new country Mayberry Logan, after their leader and first Dictator, Logan Warren I. Things were tense, so the USQ called a conference to sort things out. At the meeting, Dictator Logan Warren I insulted the current GTNEC of the USQ, Alex Collinsworth in 1881, and later Representative of the USQ Dimetor Okafor called the rebels, "...ungrateful children, disloyal to their nation and all they grew up for, and their ancestors died for. If they want to secede, then heck let 'em, but get them undeserved insurgents off our dang land!" In a week, a small force of The Fort McCarthy Defense Force was gathered, and they attacked the Loganers, winning and sending them across The Sea of Stratigeo. For 1 year the Loganers set up land, and cities, however things were still tense. Then Mayberry Logan declared that its borders were further north than the sea, and moved troops across the waters.

Later that year, Mayberry Logan decided to enforce this land claim, and declared war on the USQ in the Quentin-Logan Border War of 1883. The fighting was hard, and the Loganers were losing a lot of ground. Then, later that year the MTO also declared war on the USQ. Now fighting a war on two fronts, the going got a bit harder for the Quentinian army. However, the USQ army was well trained by that time, and they had a large amount of support for the the war with their citizens, which meant more soldiers. So, in 1885 they got the upper hand again, establishing firm holds on some of the MTO's land and Mayberry Logan's. All three countries were finally ready for peace, and in the Treaty of Building States that followed the war, the border was set back to the way the USQ wanted them, peace was declared, and the USQ gave back all the land that were originally the MTO's.

Golden Age of Gangs

During this time, from the late 1800's through the 1920's, the USQ was experiencing a period now referred to as The Golden Age of Gangs. During this period, mainly in The Chip Area, numerous gangs formed, including The JP-Mellio and The Mukdukk. These gangs were able to establish numerous legal and illegal operations in that state, which they profited greatly from, including gambling, alcohol and drug sales, and other illegal activities. The JP-Mellio was mainly involved in things such as bars, alcohol, and casinos, while the Mukdukk was involved in more illegal activities, such as drugs, prostitution, and sometimes would even commit murders and mass robberies. The local CA police were involved for years attempting to stop them, but using a variety of techniques they were able to evade the police. So, after The Great Venturian War, in 1912, The Quentinian Intelligence Department became very involved in the stopping of the gangs.

Finally, after nearly 30 years of the gangs practically ruling the CA, the QUID was able to arrest many gang leaders, including Cornelius Riplop, Johnny Snaks, Emily Gerrord, and Bobby Chezxks, and shut down some of the main operations of the gangs. However, by this time the gangs and things like drug dealing, casinos, and alcohol were so ingrained in the culture and everyday life of the southern part of the country that public opinion was too turned against the government for them to be able to shut the gangs down completely without mass riots. So, in the late '20's, the QUID was able to make a deal with the gangs, called The CA Gang Agreement, to legalize some of the activities in the CA as well as The Multi-Logan State and stop harassing the gangs on their activities as long as the gangs adhered to supervision from QUID agents and to stop severe crimes, such as murders, robberies, and severe drugs. The deal was supposed to be secret, however, it "leaked" out to the public, preventing riots and securing a stable relationship with the populous.

The Great Venturian War

In the late 1800s, the MTO was causing trouble with their expansion. So, an organization that included the USQ was formed. Called The Anti-Expansionist Alliance, it was an alliance of countries that was committed to stopping expansionism by the MTO and its allies. In response, the MTO organized its own alliance, called the Righteousness Pact. It was committed to defending its members against the AEA. In 1900, the two alliances went to war after Bymaria, a RP country, declared war on Carkhia, which was an AEA country. One declaration of war led to another, and soon The Great Venturian War had begun. The USQ was right on the front lines of fighting, mainly fighting the MTO, Mayberry Logan, and Bymar. Finally, after 12 years of war, the MTO and the RP came out on top.

In the Treaty of Fatama ending the war, the RP was granted land to the west and the right to expand into areas not claimed by any other country. The AEA was also forced to disband in the Treaty, however the member countries simply formed defensive pacts and commerce treaties with each other individually. After the war, in the USQ a sense of national pride really started to develop. The sense had been there in the past, however in the 20s, 30s and 40s it really started to form into a deep pride, and a sense that the USQ was the greatest nation on Venturia. This was strengthened by the fact that the USQ, even though they had lost, they had held their own and defended their country. This led to many official cultural things for the USQ, including the United States of Quentin Pledge of Allegiance, the USQ National Anthem, and many products being nationalized and a USQ culture being developed. This would be even further advanced in The United States of Quentin Age of Culture in the late 1900's.

Zwakazian Settlement

In the period between the two wars, the nation looked to expand its territory even further than it had in the past century. However, land on Asper was already, for the majority, claimed by other countries, and tensions between the nations were extremely high. So, wanting to avoid a large conflict like the one in the decade before, the USQ was not able to expand itself on the Asper continent. There was, however, unknown lands on the Zwakazi continent, and the government enlisted private companies and groups to go and settle on the continent. The first group to leave, called The Quentinian Expeditionary Corps, sailed southeast from Boston in 1916, and arrived at a country called The Iridium Coast that same year. They landed, and founded the city Quentinsburg on the western coast of the country. Other ships followed, and soon hundreds of people were living in the city. The settlement was recognized by the USQ government in 1920 as a territory, called The Zwakazian Territory. This aggression in claiming land did not go unnoticed with the Iridium government, however, and an army was gathered to attack the Quentinians. The Iridium army was severely under-equipped and untrained compared to the Quentinians, however the Quentinian settlement contracted Coastal Fever in 1921, and the ones that didn't die, left. The city is still there today, however, resettled by Iridium citizens.

Another trip by the Expeditionary Corps sailed northwest from Long Beach Island, and headed for the country of Xevenia, which was scarcely organized and was made up of loosely organized tribes with tribal leaders. The Corps landed at two places along the southern coast of the nation, landing two boats and settling a city called Long Beach, and another two boats landing and settling at a city they called Jeffersontown in 1921. The Quentinian government did not recognize the settlement as a territory, but sent messages to the settlement saying they needed to grow before being recognized. From 1921 to 1923, multiple new ships came, and the two cities soon had populations of around 400 each, which were added to by local populations coming and living there. The settlement was then recognized as a territory, but, like the settlement in the Iridium Coast, it was not welcomed by the native government. A man named Peter Orotro came to power in 1923 on the promise of pushing the Quentinians out. He gathered a large army, and started what is called The Quentinian Expeditionary War.

The Quentinians easily held of the armies of Xevenia, and tribal leaders secretly began negotiating with the USQ behind the back of Orotro. They eventually came to an agreement in early 1924, called The Xevenian-Quentinian Sovereignty Agreement, which made the USQ leave in return for Orotro being deposed and the Xevenians promising not to attack Quentinian ships. While in both situations the Quentinians had to leave their settlements, many of the settlers either had children with or became part of numerous Xevenian and Iridite groups. The lasting impact of this intermixing is that today many Xevenians and a lesser amount of Iridites can trace their heritage to Quentinian settlers, resulting in the cities of Quentinsburg, Jeffersontown, and Long Beach having numerous cultural and political aspects similar to the USQ.

The Greater Venturian War

In the period between the two wars politically the MTO continued to expand into Allia, but then halted expansion there. The USQ started to become the worldwide mediator that it is today, settling disputes between the MTO and its allies, the RP, and a new group that had formed, similar to the AEA, called The Southern Coastal Alliance, or SOCA. Originally, the USQ was not involved, trying instead to mediate issues. Even when the two alliances went to war with The Greater Venturian War in 1925, the USQ stayed out of it. However, after issues along the border with violence from the MTO, the USQ joined the war, on the side of the SOCA.

The war was fierce, with every country in the world eventually joining the conflict except 3. In 1931, the first atomic bomb made was dropped by the Order on Docneighland, a shock to the SOCA. However they did not back down, and the USQ was on the front lines of the fighting once again. After leading the invasion of both the COL and MTO, the SOCA was victorious after 10 years. In the Treaty of Fort McCarthy, the RP was disbanded, and a world peacekeeping organization was formed. Still existing today, it is called The Venturian Union. The treaty also gave land to the MTO, but enforced tariffs on them, and put an expansion restriction on them, that was good for 5 years.

Late 1900's

After The Venturian Wars in the former part of the 20th century, the USQ entered a period of prosperity, creativity, and global dominance in the latter half of it. This was mainly due to the absence of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order from global view, because of their inner conflict, known as the Megatridimensional Civil War. This was the time of The United States of Quentin Age of Culture, when the nation rocketed to the forefront of many industries, including media, sports, cinema, music, and literature. The economy boomed in the nation, and as a result, infrastructure was greatly improved, even more than it already was, and recreational areas like parks and playing courts, especially in major cities, were greatly improved.

The late 1900's also brought the USQ into recognition as a world superpower, due to their military dominance, economic superiority and possession of nuclear weapons. During this period, there were 2 minor conflicts that the USQ was brought into, The Mild Republic War and The Coffee War, both of which were quickly won by the USQ.

Contemporary History

The turn of the 21st century saw the USQ fall out of status as the lone dominant power on Venturia, with the MTO's Civil War ending and other countries rushing into the spotlight, including countries from the Zwakazi continent. However, the USQ is still a major power militarily and economically, as well as having a large influence on others' cultures, still the center of cinema production and literature. In recent years, the USQ has been involved in multiple minor conflicts, including The Quentinian-Gallanathian Trade War in the early part of the century, The Quentinian Prevention Wars around 2011, as well as multiple skirmishes and conflicts with a group called the Hei Hei Hatvists and their home country, The United Villages of Southia. The Asperian Roofball War occurred in 2019, in which the USQ gained numerous economic benefits.

Issues have also arisen in the management of the planet, including weapons policies, nuclear reduction laws and global immigration, all put into action and debated on by The Venturian Union, which the USQ has played a major role in both founding and running today. Recently, Clint Toll was elected as President of the USQ, a member of the Environmentalist Party.

Geography, Climate, and Environment

The entirety of the USQ takes up approximately 9,984,670 square kilometers, and is the 2nd largest nation on Venturia, in terms of land area, behind only the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, which is almost one million square kilometers larger, at approximately 10,878,333 square kilometers. The country's land includes the main landmass, along with Long Beach Island in the northwestern corner of the nation.
A map of physical features in the USQ

Climate and Geography

Since the nation is of such a massive size, there are numerous different climates for different regions of the USQ. In the northeastern part of the nation, where the state of Snowland is, the climate is generally extremely snowy and cold, save for summer, with low temperatures and snowfall generally being the highest in the nation, while the terrain is hilly and densely forested, like much of the eastern part of the country. As you head further south into the Grassland Area and the southern Kahoot and Tantallegara states, the climate warms considerably, although compared to regions of other nations, it is still very cold in the winter and fall months. The amount of forests compared to those of Snowland also drop here.

Moving back north to The Maxx Area and the northeastern parts of the Desert Area, the climate is similar to that of Snowland, however it can be more mountainous in regions, and as you move further south the temperatures rise, especially in summer time. The Desert Area, being the largest state in the nation, has varied climates and land types, however it is generally warm and has plenty of water sources. The northern part of the state is one of the most mountainous regions of the country, probably second only to the Kumar Area, it is home to Mount Kindikil and the Expansion Mountains. As you move south in the state, the land becomes increasingly flatter, until you come upon the southern part of the country, home to The Quentinian Plains, as well as numerous rivers that make the region perfect for cultivation.

In the southernmost state of the country, the Chip Area, it becomes very warm, much warmer than the rest of the country as well as some parts of the world, with an 91 degrees Fahrenheit summer average high, and a 77 degrees Fahrenheit summer average low. In the north of the state, like the DA, it is flat except in the western and easternmost region, and can also be mildly hilly, comparable to the northeast of the country, in the southern part of the state. Moving west into the Kumar Area, the land becomes extremely mountainous, and the altitude is the highest in the nation, but only in the eastern and central parts of the state. In the western, coastal part of the state, it is very flat. This state more than others is very rainy, or snowy in winter, and is marginally cold depending on what region of the state you are in. Finally, Long Beach Island, an island in the northwestern corner of the nation, is generally flat, but very cold, and is the least densely forested states in the USQ.


As with the climates and geography of the nation, the USQ also has tons of diverse wildlife, including thousands of animal and plant species.


Population and Ethnicity

The total population of the USQ, as of 2018, is estimated at around 1,020,640,005 people. This statistic means that the USQ has the second largest population for a country in Venturia, second only to the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, who have a population of around 1.83 billion as of 2018. While the nation has an extremely large population and one of the largest immigration allowances in the world, the birth rate is relatively low, and the nation's life expectancy is rising. The ethnicity and race of the population is mainly made up of Gadoupes, Aspkausians, Jumanges, and Zwakanavs, four of the many ethnicities on Venturia, with Aspkausians making up 54% of the population, Jumanges making up 24%, Gadoupes making up 15%, Zwakanavs making up 5%, and other smaller groups making up the remaining 2 percent.

The largest states in the nation by population are currently the Chip Area, with 255 million, the Grassland Area following close behind, and the Desert Area. Nearly 78% of Quentinians live in urban areas, which include suburbs, with the vast majority of rural residents residing in the Desert Area or Snowland. About 3/4 of these urban residents live in cities with a population of 50,000 or larger, and as of 2020, 356 cities in the country had over 100,000 people, 16 cities were over 1 million, and 3 cities, Bakersfieldville, Rodriguezville, and Mechanicsburg were over 10 million. In addition to individual cities, the National Institute of Public Statistics (NIPUS) identifies four megalopolises in the nation, which are areas made up of numerous large cities and urban areas. These are the Logan River Megalopolis, by far the largest, followed by the Chip-Logan Megalopolis, the Brightwater States Megalopolis, and the Lankanata-Maxx Megalopolis, which can sometimes be classified as two separate megalopolises, however the NIPUS identifies it as one. While these areas are extremely high in population and urban density, they are still smaller than megalopolises in other nations because of the size of the USQ.


Religion in the United States of Quentin

Religion in the United States of Quentin (2019)

The United States of Quentin Constitution, in the 17th Amendment, forbids the federal government, or any state or local governments from establishing an official state religion or religions. It also separates church and state, forbidding Congress or the President from making laws on religion, and allows all to hold any or no religious beliefs, and practice them freely without persecution.

In the most recent survey of religion in the country, nearly 72.2% of all Quentinians identify as Christians. Of these, 51.7% identify as Quentinian Christian, and 20.5% identify as Allian Christians. In addition to these main Christian religions, another 15.4% identified as belonging to another non-Christian religion, with Skethianity being the largest at 11.3%, followed by followers of Trinitism (1.9%), Rationalism (0.7%), Reformed Hatvism (1.1%), and Hatvism (0.4%). There are also numerous smaller religious communities in the nation, which is one of the most diverse in the world due to its policies, location in the world, and high immigration rates. In addition to these, 12.4% identified as having no religion.

Since Quentinian Christianity makes up over half of the population of the USQ, there are many subdivisions of the Christian denomination present in the nation as well. The largest of these is the United Messiah Church, whose members, of the 51.7% of Quentinian Christians in the nation, make up 51% of those Quentinian Christians. Other groups include the Liberal United Messiah Church, the Weber National Church, the New Age Prophecies Church, and numerous others. Allian Christianity came to the USQ with the settlement of Allian settlers in the Kahoot Area and Long Beach Island, and it was practiced somewhat in the early Territories of Quentin and Megatridimensional Order. After the Quentinian Faith Awakening of the mid-1800's, Allian Christianity hugely declined, and today is the second largest form of Christianity in the nation. It is mostly concentrated in the Kahoot Area and Long Beach Island, though it also has follower groups concentrated in the northern Desert Area and Maxx Area, around cities such as Boston and Baltimore, large hotspot cities. Its followers are scattered across the USQ, however. Skethianity, the second largest religion present in the nation, is concentrated mainly in the Kumar Area, where the religion's followers make up over 20% of the population, and the northwestern Desert Area, with immigrants from New Sketherlands coming to the KUA and DA especially. Large hotspot cities for Skethianity today include Kumar City, Yadlapaville, Liberation City, and Verisitium. Hatvism is practiced little in the USQ, but mainly in Tantallegara and the Chip Area. Reformed Hatvism, on the other hand, is much more popular in the USQ, and its followers are concentrated mainly in Tantallegara, the Chip Area, as well as the Kumar Area, though they have communities across the nation like other religions. Finally, the Megatridimensional-originated religions of Trinitism and Rationalism originated from Megatridimensional immigrants and citizens in the mid to late 1800's, as the religions only developed in the MTO around those times. Since then, the religions have grown and spread across the nation, with the largest concentrations being in Snowland, especially in the peninsular regions of the state, in cities such as Metropurbane and Lindin.


Main article: Languages of the United States of Quentin

Farmine is the official language of the United States of Quentin, and the language is federalized by the Merged Identity Language Act of the later 1800's, meaning all federal officials and operations use the language. The USQ is unique in this regard, as the language of Farmine was formed during the 19th century, as the USQ was formed from the MTO and wanted to create a stronger identity. This will, combined with the inclusion of increasingly more numerous ethnic groups, created a new language which combined aspects of Pexsakxj, the Punctinaturalland language, English, and Allian. The language was standardized in the late 1800's by Martha Greer, and it came into wider use with the Language Act that same century.

Despite this, English is still spoken as a de facto language by many in the nation, and the USQ has one of the largest populations of dual-language speakers in the world, if not the very largest, with Farmine and English being spoken by about 61% of the population, even more than the number of only English and only Farmine speakers combined. Besides English and Farmine, numerous other languages are spoken around the nation. There are only 3 other languages, besides English, to be recognized at the state level only. These are New Zwakazian in the Desert Area and Long Beach Island, Pexsakxj in Tantallegara and the Chip Area, and Allian in Long Beach Island and the Kahoot Area. Many states mandate that state documents be published in both English and Farmine, and other native languages such as Atillaraoan and Warshamanian, both used widely among the overseas territories of the nation such as Berlinsavis and J.P. Island.

The most taught foreign languages in the Quentinian school systems besides English and Farmine are New Zwakazian, Allian, and Skethish. Other commonly taught languages include Lingantiqua, the old language of the Allian Empire and others, along with Trinese and Sacred Zwakazian.

Note: Of the English and Farmine bilingual population, nearly 75% spoke Farmine before English.

Language Percent of Population Number of Speakers
English and Farmine 61% 610,000,000
English Only 20.1% 201,200,000
Farmine Only 15% 150,000,000
New Zwakazian 2% 20,000,000
Allian 1.1% 11,000,000
Pexsakxj 0.78% 7,800,000

Health and Education

The United States of Quentin is one of only a few nations on Venturia to not have government healthcare which is covered for all people. The nation's healthcare sector is mostly private, although the USQ is unique in the fact that the federal government and state governments routinely establish hospitals with funds from taxes, however then sell these hospitals to private companies for less money, ensuring that the USQ has arguably the best private healthcare system in the world, and that care is available in many locations, though prices are generally higher than government healthcare nations.


There are sixteen cities in the United States of Quentin with a population of over 1 million, and one of those is the 2nd-largest city in the world, Bakersfieldville. The capital city of the nation is Mechanicsburg, which is also the nation's third-largest city by population. Below are the twenty largest cities in the nation, with capital cities in bold.



Personal transportation in the USQ is mainly dominated by automobiles, which operate on thousands of road systems which constitute the largest system of roads in the world.

Water, Sanitation, and Power


Largest Companies

Main article: List of Largest Quentinian Companies

Below is a list of the largest companies based in the United States of Quentin, in no particular order.

Company Industry Headquarters
Tennomore Bank Banking Lindin, SL
Shah Enterprises Electronics, software Mechanicsburg, GA
Blumenthal Corporation Medical supplies Mechanicsburg, GA
Diamond Media Corporation Media Port Jaron, CA
Kumar Industries Electronics, software Kumar City, KA
Yadlapally Industries Weapons, military contracting Mechanicsburg, GA
Quentinian Gazette Inc. Media Mechanicsburg, GA/Beach Haven, LBI
Cheznowski Insurance Insurance Lindin, SL
Cheppy Candy Company Candy Rodriguezville, CA
DuBuis Manufacturing Corporation Manufacturing, construction, oil, automotive Lindin, SL
MechEcs Community Bank Banking Mechanicsburg, GA
People's Bank Banking Bakersfieldville, DA
Petruzelli Bank Banking Kumar City, KA
Outcast Company Telecommunications Bakersfieldville, DA
Quentin Queen Food Bakersfieldville, DA
Bolt Corporation Transportation Boston, MA
QBCI Retail Mechanicsburg, GA
Skeitche Travel Corporation Travel, hotel Bakersfieldville, DA
Bridgen Communications Telecommunications Rodriguezville, CA
Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation Media Bakersfieldville, DA
Jedi Electronics Electronics Bakersfieldville, DA
Abhpal Foods Food chain, retail Rodriguezville, DA
Downtown Nurture Pharmaceuticals Mechanicsburg, GA
DuBuis Bank Banking, financials Lindin, SL
Leopoldi's Foods Food chain Bakersfieldville, DA
Mellio Life Insurance Rodriguezville, CA
Ragnarok Allied Airline Rodriguezville, CA
Trogen Media Corporation Media BizTown, MLS
Adlive Motion Pictures Media Bakersfieldville, DA
QUACK! Corporation Media Maximum City, MA
McGonagall Motor Company Automotive Bakersfieldville, DA
Remus Automotive Automotive Bakersfieldville, DA
TruliFresh Food Lindin, SL
Brightwater Commerce Company Commerce, Shipping David City, TA
Quana-Cola Company Beverages Dearnburg, DA
Refrazz Corporation Beverages Poleton, CA
JP Mellio Group Drugs, entertainment Poleton, Chip Area
The Mukdukk Drugs, entertainment Rodriguezville, CA
Balibo Corporation Media Bakersfieldville, DA
Mellio Spark Energy Energy Rodriguezville, CA
Newtown Energy Corporation Energy Beach Haven, LBI
Corner Outlier Company Apparel, retail Baltimore, DA
Villager Publishers Literature Baltimore, DA
Ocean Trash Publishing Office Literature Baltimore, DA

Government and Politics

Main articles: Federal Government of the United States of Quentin, Political Issues in the United States of Quentin, State Governments of the United States of Quentin, and Local Governments of the United States of Quentin

The nation's capitol building, home to Congress.
777 Cupboard Place, the residence of the President.

The United States of Quentin is a Mild Republic and representative democracy consisting of a federal government with ten state governments, making it a federation. In 2019, the nation ranked 12th on the International Report on Democracy led by the Venturian Union, and was classified as a flawed democracy by the report.

In the United States of Quentin's system of Quasi-Federalism, the nation has a national government, state governments, and local governments. The local governments' duties include managing districts, which are smaller subdivisions within states which have their own representation and handle small local issues. State governments handle broader issues, and make laws for the entire state, though by law they are subordinate to the federal government, a concept at the center of Quentinian politics and one that is enforced by the Department of State and the Supreme Council.

The nation's federal government, meanwhile, maintains and establishes laws for the entire nation, along with declaring war, handling foreign issues, printing currency, and funding infrastructure and other public works projects. The Constitution of the nation is the supreme law of the land, ratified in 1834, and it has been amended 24 times as of 2020. The federal government comprises three branches which are tasked with creating laws and legislation for the good of the nation, enforcing those laws and the Constitution, and providing fair and equal treatment of citizens and of the law.

These three branches are:

  • Executive: The President is the head of the branch, and can veto or pass laws brought by Congress, subject to Congressional override, and can appoint members to his Cupboard, an advisory board which also carries out the federal law and enforces all laws of the nation. The GTNEC, a position unique to the concept of a mild republic, is the second-in-command executive official, and heads all foreign diplomatic actions, partially controls treasury and funding efforts, and works closely with the President to establish and maintain the Cupboard. The executive branch also commands the military through the Supreme Commander, who reports to the Department of Defense.
  • Judicial: The Supreme Council and lower federal courts, who interpret the law to ensure equal treatment and that the law is enforced correctly, and who can reject federal legislation deemed unconstitutional. The courts have extended powers in a mild republic, with the ability to approve numerous positions and actions.

The House of Representatives is made up of 20 members, with 2 representatives from each state, who are elected for terms of two years directly by the people of their state. The House of Bureaucrats is different, however, as it includes 110 members with unequal state representation, which is determined by the Supreme Council based on wealth, population, and overall importance to the nation every 20 years. Bureaucrats are elected for terms of 6 years, however while they do represent individual states, they are elected by all citizens of the entire nation, meaning every voter in the nation votes for 110 bureaucrats. The President is not elected directly, as the Presidential Electoral Committee made up of representatives from each state casts votes for the President, though the popular vote is often taken into account. The Supreme Council consists of seven members, who are appointed by the President (with approval by Congress) and serve for life, until impeachment, or retirement.

Parties and Elections

Inside the government of the country there are 3 main political parties, who each have different beliefs and values, though the Constitution does not specify for political parties. These three parties are the Environmentalist Party, the Fundamentalist Party, and the Mild RePublican Party. The beliefs of these parties differ, as the Environmentalist Party is more of a center-left liberal party, with conservative foreign views, the Mild RePublican Party more of a center-right conservative party, and the Fundamentalist Party a center-left hybrid, with domestic views tending to be more liberal, and economic views tending to be more conservative. In political culture, Environmentalists are considered more "communist" and "liberal," while Fundamentalists are considered more "economic oriented" and "aggressive" in foreign policy, while Mild RePublicans are often considered "conservative," "federal-oriented," and "traditionalist" in foreign policy.

Other minor parties include the Freelance Party, the Globalist Party, and the Reciprocal Party. The Freelance Party was at its peak popularity in the late 1800s when it challenged the big 3, but has since declined in popularity along with the other two, only having one seat in the House of Representatives. Consistently throughout history the Mild RePublican Party has had the most candidates in office, however the Fundamentalist and Environmentalist parties have always won enough races to keep the government from being too one sided.

Currently the House of Representatives is controlled by the Mild RePublican Party, consisting of ten Mild RePublicans, seven Fundamentalists, two Environmentalists, and one Freelancer. The House of Bureaucrats is controlled by the Fundamentalist Party, with 68 Fundamentalists, 34 Mild RePublicans,
The states of the USQ, along with state flags
and 8 Environmentalists. In state governorships, there are currently four Mild RePublicans, three Fundamentalists, two Environmentalists, and one Freelancer.

Political Subdivisions

There are currently 10 states in the USQ, along with four federal territories. These are the primary political subdivisions of the nation, though within these territories and states there are numerous territorial towns, state districts, and independent cities which further divide the nation for political and administrative purposes. These subdivisions have their own local governments, usually with different forms of a legislature and an executive figure, and often have laws that differ from other areas of the nation. All areas must abide by the Constitution, however, and all people born in the states and territories are citizens, though territorial citizens cannot vote for Congress.

Foreign Relations and Armed Forces

Foreign Relations

Main article: Foreign Relations of the United States of Quentin. See also: Countries with an Official Quentinian Embassy, Countries with an Official Embassy in the USQ, and Micronation

Historically, the United States of Quentin has had good relations with most of the countries in Venturia, and historically has acted as a mediator, attempting to work out conflicts from different sides.

However, today there are some countries with which the USQ has strained relations, and these include the Republic of Megatridimensional Order as well as Mortification and Gallanathia, close allies of the MTO, the United Villages of Southia, especially for their support of the Hei Hei Hatvists, Paladinia, the Fourth Laborer Socialist Republic, and the Northern Patrons of Ice.

The USQ has many close allies, too, many of which are a part of an alliance the USQ is a part of, called the Asperian Trade and Defense Organization. These countries include Ravensonia, Carkhia, the Protectorates of Allia, Docneighland, and Xevenia, and more recently, the Iridium Coast. The USQ also has relatively close ties with New Sketherlands, who is an observer of ATADO, New Dawn, Lindsaya, Telembria, and the Isle of Southia. As is true with most of the countries in Venturia, the USQ is a part of the Venturian Union, and is one of the leading members there, being the only nation to be the permanent head nation of all three main bureaus. The USQ also has other trade deals and defensive pacts besides ATADO, including the MRN Trade Agreement, Shared Waters Pact, and the Allian-Quentinian Close Interest Agreement, among others.


Military of the United States of Quentin is, today, one of the most powerful in the world. Unlike the militaries of other countries, the USQ's military is united under the Supreme Commander and Department of Defense, although it does have different branches, being the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Starkkae Corps, and Fort McCarthy Defense Force. The Supreme Commander directs not just one, but all branches, and reports back to the DOD. As of 2018, the armed forces has over 2 million active troops, with the Department of Defense overseeing their operations along with the Supreme Commander and various branch commanders, who are members of the Quentinian Defense Committee. When it comes to military philosophy, the USQ generally does not attack unless directly attacked, though this has morphed throughout the years, and today only members of the Environmentalist Party uphold this doctrine to the letter, with the Mild RePublican Party's philosophy being to defend the nation's borders as well as assets, and the Fundamentalist Party philosophy being to attack when beneficial to the security and prosperity of the nation. The nation spends around Ð45 billion ($450 billion) per year on the military, and although the nation continues in an ongoing fight with the Hei Hei Hatvists terrorist group, it is not currently involved in any official wars.

Law Enforcement and Crime

Main articles: Law Enforcement in the United States of Quentin, Crime in the United States of Quentin. See also: Criminal Trial in the United States of Quentin

Law enforcement in the country is upheld and carried out primarily by the local and state governments of the nation, with some involvement from federal agencies which operate to enforce broader and more serious laws. These federal agencies include the Fort McCarthy Defense Force, though it is a part of the military, the Quentinian Intelligence Department, and the Department of Law Enforcement, specifically the Central Agency of Investigative Law (CAIL). The largest police agency in the nation, aside from federal agencies, is the Capital Area Police Department, which enforces the law in the capital city of Mechanicsburg and the surrounding areas near the shores of the Logan River. The nation's legal system operates under the system of common law, meaning courts establish precedence of the law, and local, state, and federal courts operate within the nation, corresponding to certain crimes committed.

The United States of Quentin is generally recognized as safe, with the Venturian Union Committee on Crime (VUCC) identifying the country as a medium-high level crime nation. The nation is home to the largest gang activity in the world, especially in the Chip Area and the Multi-Logan State, however due to actions by the government and law enforcement in the early 1900's, some activities of gangs in these states are considered legal, and since the CA Substance Legality Act, violent crimes by these organizations have dropped significantly. As a result of legalization, however, the USQ has one of the highest drug use rates in the world, and often wars between gangs in the CA and MLS can turn violent. The highest crime rates in the USQ are continually in the CA and MLS respectively, with the Kumar Area and Tantallegara following behind. The United States of Quentin has a murder rate of 4.16, lower than the rate of many countries of similar size. Its suicide rate is regarded as average, at 8.6 per 100,000 people, with most suicides occurring in the Chip Area and Desert Area.

Capital punishment in the country is legal under the Constitution, with the 4th Amendment establishing the legality of the punishment in cases of high crimes. Although capital punishment is reserved for treason, mass murder, mass indecency (referring to mass rape, sexual violation, or other inhumane actions), mass torture, and mass destruction, the topic is controversial in the nation. The 4th Amendment was actually repealed in 1916 by the 14th amendment, but was reinstated by the 24th amendment in 2017, the most recent amendment to the document. State and local crimes are never involved in capital punishment, however Snowland and the Maxx Area in particular have repeatedly attempted to put forth requests or contradicting laws on the subject, attempting to outlaw capital punishment. On all occasions, however, the Department of State has rejected or opposed the proposals, and no state today can carry out capital punishment. Other punishments in the country include fines and jail time, with the 15th Amendment explicitly banning other cruel punishments. The United States of Quentin has an incarceration rate of 131 per 100,000 people, and its total prison population is 1,310,000, the third largest number in the world due to its large population. Incarceration rate is the highest in the Chip Area, with a rate of 987 per 100,000 people, and Long Beach Island had the lowest, with a rate of 295 per 100,000. Among federal territories, J.P. Island has the highest rate, and the Kade Islands has the lowest.


The USQ has a diverse and interesting culture, including numerous holidays along with movies, art, literature, food, and sports. Although the nation did originate from the Republic of Megatridimensional Order many have recognized that the country's culture is vastly different in comparison to the MTO, which may have originated from the sense of independence and desire to completely be recognized as a different nation after the revolution, both politically and culturally. The state of Snowland, however, still retains some remnants of Megatridimensional culture, much more than other regions, with a larger number in that state following Trinitism, the Order's main religion, as well as celebrating numerous Order holidays and traditions.

After the two wars in the mid-1800's with Punctinaturalland, the USQ fully absorbed the lands into their nation. As can be expected, this resulted in heightened cultural diversity from the MTO-like culture that had prevailed in the nation for the past 30 years, and this can still be seen today in the south-western parts of the nation, especially The Chip Area, The Multi-Logan State and Tantallegara. Some main differences include values and traditions, along with bringing in popular new cuisines from the old country. Indeed, most of the beverages the USQ is so associated with today originated and became popular in these areas. Another crucial difference is laws in the south-west, which are extremely lenient on things such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other activities compared to other part of the nation.

The central part of the country, which includes The Desert Area, The Grassland Area, and The Maxx Area, have developed a culture truly unique to the nation, and while it takes from many other cultures, including the Order and Punctinaturalland, it is mainly unique in their values, traditions, holidays, recreation, cuisine, etc. While the other regions certainly contribute greatly to the Quentinian culture, and are unique in their own ways, the central part of the USQ is truly where all the identities combine, and become one.


The holidays listed below are holidays nationally recognized by the federal government, and days off from work and school are given for. Listed below those are other celebrations and festivities that take place in the nation, but are not federally recognized.

January 1st: Inauguration Day, New Year's Day
A Quentinian girl smashes a pumpkin as part of a New Year's Day tradition

January 7th: Independence Day

January 31st: Constitution Ratification Day

March 15th: Unification Day

April 20th-26th: Easter Week

April 19th: Recreation Day

July 1st: Allies Day

August 5th: Occupation Day

August 30th: Defense Day

October 16th: Memorial Day

October 17th: Founders Remembrance Day

November 4th-11th: National Political Week

December 7th: Election Day

December 25th: Christmas Day

Non-Federally Recognized Celebrations:

January 14th: Three Day

February 2nd: Kindy Day

March 19th: Ethnicity Day

April 20th: Crossover

June 17th-29th: Yawm Datiin

October 7th: Night of the Breadbakeesdekline

November 10th: Venturia Day

December 13th: Balansdag


The USQ has a number of unique sports, as well as a number of recreational events and competitions. The main and most popular sport in the country is roofball, with the most popular professional league being the Quentinian Roofball Organization. The championship game of the league is the QRO Champions Cup, which is watched by millions internationally every year. The second and third most popular sports in the nation, in no particular order, are vehementiaball and Oceanic Body Sports (obs), both unique Quentinian sports, played in the United Vehementiaball League and the Oceanic Body Sports Association. These are watched by many millions as well, and the OBS Quentinian National Championship and Leidigh Bowl rival the Champions Cup in viewership, as the sports are spaced out in different seasons.

These three main sports are followed by another sport, the Quentinian Quadrathameet, which is very popular especially among college sports fans. There are no professional leagues for the quadrathameet, however individual professionals or collegiate athletes compete in competitions organized by such organizations as the QUACA and National Quadrathameet Committee. These include the Super Quadrathameet, which is the largest tournament, held once every 4 years. Because of this duration between events, the Super Quadrathameet often draws more spectators and viewers than other championship games in the nation.

Besides these four sports which originated in the nation and which are the most popular, other sports like football and trenchball from the Megatridimensional Order are played, as well as gridiron, and bucketball from Paladinia. The Sidus Dei Ludos have been held in the USQ numerous times as well, and the USQ Sidus Dei Ludos team has historically excelled in both the winter and summer SDL. Having actually started the modern SDL in the early 1900s, Quentinians turn out very well for them, and it is certainly one of the main sporting events of the year. Cycling is another sport which did not begin in the USQ, but has become extremely popular in the country. The Quentinian Cycling Association (QCYA) sets up numerous events around the year, however the most popular and most professional event is the Quentinian Cycling Competitive League (QUE-CYCLE), a fall tournament for Quentinian bicyclers. In addition, the United States of Quentin Cycling Team is one of the best in the world at the Sidus Dei Ludos, and the World Championship of Cycling organized by the Federation of International Cycling (FICY) also has a high Quentinian turnout.


See main article: List of Highest-Grossing Quentinian Films

When motion picture started becoming popular in the early 1900's, the USQ was not very involved in the making of those movies. However, after the Greater Venturian War, the USQ experienced what is called the United States of Quentin Age of Culture from the 1950's to the late '80's, rocketing to the forefront of the movie industry. Today, the industry is still buzzing with activity in the country, and a number of cinematic awards are held in the USQ, including the Quentinian Best Awards, the QUECA's, and the Actor's Best Awards. The top 15 Quentinian movies in terms of box office are listed below, adjusted for inflation.

1. Independence (1963): Ð177,956,019 ($1,779,560,190)

2. M.O.D.S. III: Vengeance Day (2017): Ð169,543,218 ($1,695,432,180)

3. George E. Firedawn, 1979 (1979): Ð136,899,777 ($1,368,997,770)

4. Good Hope: Starlight (2017): Ð135,498,696 ($1,354,986,967)

5. M.O.D.S. (2002): Ð130,102,569 ($1,301,025,690)

6. Humakavula: Dark Shadows (2019): Ð129,678,996 ($1,296,789,960)

7. Chronicles of Noir (2020): Ð125,678,900 ($1,256,789,000)

8. Election Day, 2077 (2018): Ð119,782,963 ($1,197,829,630)

9. M.O.D.S. II: The Reciprocator (2013): Ð110,324,100 ($1,103,241,000)

10. Jaron Stevens (1983): Ð109,678,230 ($1,096,782,300)

Major movie producing companies in the nation include Trogen Motion Picture Studios, Adlive Motion Pictures, Dawn and Robbie Productions, and QUACK!.


Television is extremely popular in the United States of Quentin, with the main broadcasting networks in the country being the Diamond Television Network, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation, and the Founders Sports Network. Other smaller television networks include the Laje Media Corporation and the Tennomore Broadcasting System. The USQ leads the world in television production, and currently millions of Quentinians watch the networks everyday. These networks have also expanded onto the Megaconn, with services such as DTN MegaconnTV, QBC Stream Channels, and Affiliates Live.

Television shows have been popular in the country since the Quentinian Age of Culture beginning in the 1960's, and today television production is still extremely strong, across many genres and channels. Below are two lists, one being the most popular shows by viewers, and the most popular current shows by viewers.

Most Popular Quentinian Television Shows by Viewers (All-Time):

1. Carol's Baskets, Diamond Television Network (1969-1983)

2. Cafe Double Life, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (1976-1985)

3. Ants and Politics, Diamond Television Network (2013-Present)

4. Pockets, Diamond Television Network (1994-1999)

5. Conan O'Haldeman Show, Laje Media Corporation (1996-2017)

6. Beers, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (1971-1980)

7. The Workplace, Diamond Television Network (2004-2009)

8. Major Pain, Diamond Television Network (1994-2000)

9. Mikhail Jay Fax, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (1976-2015)

10. Great Bratton, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (1987-2001)

Most Popular Quentinian Television Shows by Viewers (Present)

1. Ants and Politics, Diamond Television Network (2013-Present)

2. Sit Up, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (2017-Present)

3. Hijacking Spring, Tennomore Broadcasting System (2010-Present)

4. Locked Home, Diamond Television Network (2014-Present)

5. Stranger's Wings, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (2015-Present)

6. Game of Phones, Diamond Television Network (2008-Present)

7. Murder in Savannah, Diamond Television Network (2016-Present)

8. E-A-E-A, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (2007-Present)

9. The Hood Place, Diamond Television Network (2019-Present)

10. Jamie-Wendy, Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (2013-Present)

Video Games

See also: List of Best-Selling Quentinian Video Games

Video games are extremely popular in the USQ, and the country is one of the two leading nations in the gaming world, along with the Megatridimensional Order. The USQ has less prominence in creating and developing the software and hardware of video games, though the country has much more prominence in creating the actual games and features which are put on the consoles. Major Quentinian companies involved in the software and hardware of the video game industry include Kumar Industries and its console the K-AXE, Shah Enterprises and its console the Quandex, as well as electronics company Jedi Electronics, which provides lots of hardware for gaming consoles in the country. Major creative companies in the gaming world of the USQ include Cactus Nine, the Balibo Corporation, Maximum Games, Madden Studios, Assassin New World Media, and Civilization Entertainment.

As stated, video game production in the USQ is widespread, and the games produced by the country have a major impact on the world. Of the top 50 games of all time, 39 had major Quentinian involvement. Below are the top ten Quentinian games of all time, by numbers of copies sold. Also listed is the date the game was first released, the studio by which it was created, and platforms.

1. Ascendancy's Expulsion, Balibo Corporation (1986, computer)

2. Humanity, Cactus Nine (2011, multi-platform)

3. Creed: Boboddy, Assassin New World Media (2009, multi-platform)

4. Paul Leidigh Roofball, Madden Studios (1990, computer)

5. Fort McCarthy Bloodshed, Maximum Games (2013, multi-platform)

6. Creed: Cartwheels, Assassin New World Media (2015, multi-platform)

7. Coronavirus, Cactus Nine (2019, multi-platform)

8. Gods: Triple Alliance, Civilization Entertainment (2018, multi-platform)

9. Justin Tucker IX: Elite, Maximum Games (2016, multi-platform)

10. Creed: Boboddy II, Assassin New World Media (2020, multi-platform)


While in the USQ there is not as distinct a musical culture as in other countries, the USQ has somewhat established a musical identity in the past 30 years, especially in the United States of Quentin Age of Culture from the 1950's through '80's. The USQ holds a number of annual music awards, including the Quentinian Best Awards and the Myers Music Awards. Below, the top 10 best selling Quentinian songs of all time are listed, adjusted for inflation.

1. Breeze of September, by Rain Eddies (1958)

2. Defense of Greatness, by The Chantpions, (1989)

3. Farming and Fishing, by L.A.B., (2011)

4. Town, by Aaron Peachey and Laura Fisher, (1962)

5. Poleton Midnight Streets, by Paige Quentata, (1997)

6. The Theater on My Mind, by Aaron Peachey, (1957)

7. USQ National Anthem, by Steven Myers, (1838)

8. Orchestration, by The Chantpions, (1982)

9. Port Jaron, by L.A.B., (2016)

10. Big Kindy, by The Chantpions, (1999)

Food and Drink


The USQ has a number of distinct and unique dishes and cuisines. In general the food in the country is mostly grain and wheat based, which is grown majorly in the country, as well as incorporating numerous fruits or fruit based ingredients as well. One staple of Quentinian cuisine is the Galvyande Plat. The dish is either one or multiple balls of baked dough, stuffed with fruit jam (Refraberries, raspberries, or blueberries) or ham and cheese. It was started in the mid-1800's, when the country was just getting started, and quickly became extremely popular in the years to come. Another staple dish of the culture is the Kindichute, a long, baked bread loaf. It is baked until crispy, then loaded with melted cheese and meats such as ham or beef, then sealed in all openings. This dish was first created after the Quentinian War for Independence was won, and was popular throughout the 19th century, but really entered mainstream Quentinian culture and became widely recognized in the late 1900's, in the time of the Quentinian Age of Culture. The Kindichute is traditionally served with Potato Chips. Generally, many of the dishes in Quentinian cuisine, including those two dishes, are well seasoned with salt.

A fruit called a refraberry, as mentioned above, is the most recognized fruit in relation to the nation, mainly because the berries grow in large quantities only in the USQ, and they're used in many dishes. If you traveled to the country, you would probably not be able to go a few miles, even in some cities, without seeing refraberries growing.

Dessert is also a large part of Quentinian meals, and one main dessert is called ice cream. Ice cream is made by combining milk and cream, along with sugars for sweetening and some sort of flavoring, (Mint is a popular one, along with vanilla and refraberry) then freezing the combination. After a while, the combination is taken out of freezing, and put into containers. Once the frozen substance arrives at wherever it is to be eaten, it is kept frozen, and is sometimes served as is, frozen. However, it can also be let to melt and turn into a cool liquid, then served, and in the country, both are popular, with the former being referred to as just ice cream, and the latter being referred to as Nome style ice cream.


While the USQ does have a number of dishes and desserts that are unique, noteworthy, and distinct, the nation is especially known for their beverages, which are consumed heavily in the USQ and also internationally, appearing in dozens of movies and being closely associated with the USQ. Some main and popular alcoholic beverages include Filiqaverre, Goutêt, and Tueuer de Tristesse, or more commonly known as a TDT. These beverages were made in the mid 1800's, but became recognized and consumed worldwide in the late 1800's and early 1900's, during a period in the country known as the Golden Age of Gangs, and usually what comes to mind when thinking of the drinks is gangs and the Chip Area. Besides these alcoholic beverages, the nation also produces many famous non-alcoholic beverages, including Fraiten and Verrendi, as well as two of the most popular soda brands in the world, Refrazz and Quana-Cola.

Literature and Architecture


See also: List of Top Selling Books

The USQ has had a rich history of literature, and it has contributed greatly to the culture of the nation. Today, the country is still the leader in literature, and many of the world's best writers are Quentinian. The top 10 best selling Quentinian books of all time are listed below.

1. The Taker, Jonathan Cradams (1971)

2. MechEcs: The 1954 Mechanicsburg Situation, Deven Ratterspark (2003)

3. Devoc's History of the United States of Quentin, Alexander Devoc (1978)

4. A Boarder Story, Carles Pherson (1985)

5. Jackson Xavan, Noskakx Navax (2007)

6. Devoc's History of a Truckload of Stuff, Alexander Devoc (1981)

7. Trip to the Middle (1993)

8. Where the Tide Falls, Sammie Lutz (1908)

9. Big House of the Nukikil Mountains, Sue Jarlackson (1994)

10. The Inside... Of Everything, Myrell Pines (1968)

Of these, 9 of the 10 are in the Top 10 of the World, (With the Bible at #1) and of the top 50 books in the world, 42 are written by Quentinian authors.


See also: National Monuments of the United States of Quentin

Unlike books and literature, the USQ is not at all renowned for producing great works of art or sculptures, however the country is world renowned and famous for its architecture and man-made attractions. While it is hard to compile a list of these attractions and buildings, nonetheless a list of the top 20 architectural attractions in the USQ is below, based upon numbers of visitors.

Corporations and Mass Media

Main article: Media in the United States of Quentin

In the United States of Quentin, there are numerous types of mass media, including television, newspapers, the Megaconn and radio. The most prominent of these means of communication is the television, a world industry in which the USQ leads nearly every other country. Its two main broadcasting networks, the Quentinian Broadcasting Corporation (QBC) and the Diamond Television Network (DTN) are two of the most popular in the world, with numerous channels reaching hundreds of millions of viewers all told. The Founders Sports Network (FSN) is the most popular sports television network in the world, broadcasting numerous sports along with other major broadcasters and having numerous programs devoted to sports analysis and content. Finally, the Laje Media Corporation (LJMC) and the Tennomore Broadcasting System (TBS) are two of the smaller networks on television in the nation, and numerous other programs can be found on cable television.

The number of radio stations in the nation is also very high, with nearly 11,231 FM and AM stations around the USQ. Of these, 1,340 are public broadcasting systems, run by universities or the government to educate or announce public messages. The rest are commercial, with the Tennomore Broadcasting System (TBS) being the largest radio corporation in the world, owning and operating nearly 1,000 of these stations. The rest are small local stations which focus on local topics and news, or are music stations run by music companies or other local music personnel. The Founders Sports Network (FSN) also controls a small number of these stations, reporting and analyzing local sports and national sports, as well as featuring audio of their television programs on some radio stations.

As a world leader in literature, the United States of Quentin also has some of the most read newspapers in the world, including the Quentinian Gazette, the Maximum City Tribune, the Bakersfieldville Times, Mechanicsburg Gazette, and Beach Haven Times to name a few of the most popular. There are also several varieties of newspapers as well, with major sports newspapers including National Sports Daily, major comic and entertainment magazines including Founders Belt Consumer Magazine and Mellio Life Daily, and major political newspapers including the National Political Observer, the Triple Gazette, The Tough Opinion, and The Vindicator. Most of these newspapers run independently, however companies like the Mellio Life Corporation run some chains of newspapers. Due to the rise of the Megaconn, many newspapers found profits hard to come by in the late 20th century, however papers have adjusted since then, moving articles online and adding exclusive articles and interviews. Political newspapers such as the ones listed above have even adopted television channels as well as channels on Affiliates Live streaming, to further distribute information and their content.

The most popular Megaconn companies based in the United States of Quentin include VentureWiki, Megaseries, DoubleBCast, Awhell, Stevensmart, and HOBBIT. Most media is in Farmine, however a good amount of media can also be found in English, especially in Snowland or the Maxx Area and on the Megaconn where it is the dominant language worldwide. Overall, major television, radio, newspapers, and other media offer bilingual options across the USQ. Other media can be found in New Zwakazian, the third most used language in the nation.